Words That Start with S to Describe Someone: Looking for the right adjectives with S to describe a person or S words to describe someone? Below we have looked at some of the popular words starting with S that you use to describe a person.
Words That Start with S to Describe Someone
- Sassy
Meaning: To be lively, bold, and full of spirit;
“Sasha is a clever and sassy girl who has a promising future
- Sarcastic
Meaning: Known to use irony in order to mock or express contempt.
“She is a calm lady although she is often sarcastic”
- Secretive
Meaning: Likely to hide feelings and intentions or not to reveal information.
“He was very secretive about his personal life”
- Self-absorbed
Meaning: Preoccupied with one’s own emotional state, interests, or situation.
“If you are too self-absorbed you will less considerate to others”
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- Sad
Meaning: Unhappy
“Don’t let grieve and sadness take the best out of you”
- Sadistic
Meaning: gets pleasure from causing pain, sorrow, or humiliation on others.
“Dealing with a sadistic person can be emotionally draining”
- Sardonic
Meaning: cynical or mocking
“Stephen tried not to back give sardonic smile after receiving the negative comments”
- Shrewd
Meaning: having sharp powers of judgment
“she was shrewd enough to read his emotions”
- Sociopathic
Meaning: a person with an extreme form of antisocial personality disorder.
“After therapy, his sociopathic tendencies disappeared”
- Scornful
Meaning: feeling or expressing contempt or derision.
“After her divorce, she became a scornful woman”
Adjectives That Start With S to Describe a Person
- Supportive
Giving encouragement or emotional help.
“Cancer patients are supportive of each other”
- Self-directed
Making your own choices and managing your own work rather than being told what to do by other people
“The graduates were self-directed and self-motivated.”
- Self-disciplined
Ability to control yourself or behave in a particular way without needing external forces
“Ray is a self-disciplined young man who continues to inspire others.”
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- Selfless
To be unselfish or concerned more with the needs of others than with one’s own.
“To continually serve other people one must be selfless”
- Self-reliant
dependent on one’s own abilities and resources rather than those of others.
“a self-reliant widower”
- Sincere
Lack of pretense or deceit; proceeding from honest feelings.
“Sincere workers are often not easy to find”
- Steadfast
decisively or dutifully stable and unwavering.
“steadfast faithfulness”
- Somber
having or portraying a feeling of deep seriousness.
“The teacher looked at the students with a somber expression”
- Softhearted
kind and sympathetic.
“The nurse who served me was softhearted”
- Sensible
done in accordance with understanding or wisdom; likely to be of value.
“He is a sensible customer”
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Words to Describe Someone Starting with S
- Savage
force of nature or of an animal that is ferocious, fierce, and uncontrolled.
“packs of savage wolves roamed in the streets”
- Studious
spending a lot of time studying or reading.
“During the exams seasons, students are quiet and studious”
- Sentimental
of or prompted by feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia.
“she felt a sentimental attachment to the place creep over her”
- Snobby
Traits of, or like a snob.
“she is detested by the snobby rich kids at college”
- Short-tempered
quick to become angry
“Lack of enough sleep can leave you short-tempered”
- Sensuous
affecting the senses rather than the intellect.
“Her job requires her to be sensuous and smart at the same time”
- Serious
characterized by careful consideration or application.
“Starting a family should be considered a serious matter”
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- Silly
Showing a lack of good judgment or common sense; illogical and foolish.
“another of his silly jokes“
- Skeptical
not easily persuaded; doubtful or reservations.
“The voters were deeply skeptical about some of the politician’s proposals”
- Submissive
Ready to follow the authority or will of others; obedient or passive.
“Christianity requires a wife to be submissive to the husband”
Good Adjective Words Starting with S
Adjectives Starting with S
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S adjectives to describe a person
Conclusion: Words That Start with S to Describe Someone
There are many adjectives to describe a person, some are negative while others are positive. The above list of adjectives are some of the commonly used.

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.