Words of Encouragement for Someone Waiting for Test Results: Sometimes waiting for exam results can bring unnecessary anxiety. In this article, we have looked at what to say to someone waiting for exam results. If you don’t know the exact words to encourage someone waiting for test results you can go through the below messages.
Words of Encouragement for Someone Waiting for Test Results
1. No matter the results you get, as long as you did your best, there is nothing to worry about.
2. You are still the same brilliant person regardless of the expected test results.
3. I know you will succeed in life regardless of your exam results. Exams only test a very small percentage of what you know.
4. Your previous exam records are excellent, so you have nothing to fear.
5. Anxiety won’t change anything, just relax and hope for the best.
6. Exams are important but they never determine your worth. You have passed before and this time it won’t be different.
7. Don’t overthink about the exam result, it’s potential in you that will lead to your success.
Read: Words of Encouragement for a Test
Words of Encouragement for Someone Waiting for Exam Results
1. You have come this far, and you have succeeded, you only have a little way to go.
2. Instead of getting anxious about test results. Rejoice that you have already come this far.
3. You’re going to pass this, and then we are going to wonder why you were panicking.
4. Hold on, you have been working hard enough to become the best you can ever be. You will pass.
5. You don’t have to be gloomy just because you are waiting for your exams. Watch out you don’t miss the happy moments in life just because of test results.
6. You shouldn’t be in any doubt, success comes to those who work for it and I know you did our best.
7. As you wait on your test results, dwell on what makes you happy. Don’t let the anxiety exam results take the best from you.
Read: Spiritual Messages for Students

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.