What Are the Three Methods of Cost Allocation: Service departments are those departments that provide support to production departments but do not engage directly in the production of the products e.g. the accounting department, maintenance department, and the legal department. Service departments provide services to each other and at the same time to the production department. The methods of allocating service costs include
- Direct Allocation Method
- Step-wise Method
- Reciprocal Method
What Are the Three Methods of Cost Allocation?
(i) Direct Method
The service costs are only allocated to the production department according to the usage of the services provided. For example, maintenance services offered to the mixing department will be charged to the mixing department directly.
(ii) Step-wise Method
It is also referred to as elimination method. Some of the costs of the reciprocal services will be recognized although only to some extent. The steps followed include:
Choose one of the service departments and allocate its costs to all the other departments
including the other service departments. Normally, the basis of choosing that service
department to start with is the service department that provides services to the greatest
number of other departments or the greatest percentage of the service costs incurred
in that department is attributed to service offered to other departments.
Another service department is chosen and its total costs allocated the remaining
departments excluding the first service departments.
Repeat the process until all the service department costs have been allocated to the
production departments.
(iii) Reciprocal Method
This method fully considers all reciprocal services. It is the most precise in technically
finished method.
Cost Allocation Example
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Assume the following data:
User Dept Units of services provided Costs Prior to Service Department
S1 S2 S3 $
S1 0 2,000 4,500 92,400
S2 1,000 0 0 184,800
S3 2,000 4,000 0 138,600
P1 4,000 10,000 1,500 400,000
P2 3,000 4,000 9,000 500,000
Totals 10,000 20,000 15,000 1,315,800
(i) Direct Method allocation to production departments;
S1 S2 S3 P1 P2
Cost Prior to Allocation 92,400 184,800 138,600 400,000 500,000
Allocate S1(4:3) (92,400) 52800 39,600
Allocate S2 (5:2) (184,800) 132000 52,800
Allocate S3(1 :6) (138,600) 19800 118,800
ii) Step wise method (Elimination Method)
S1 S2 S3 P1 P2 Total
Cost Prior to Allocation 92,400 184,800 138,600 400,000 500,000 1,315,800
Allocate S1(1:2:4:3) 9,240 18,480 36,960 27,720
194,040 157,080 436,960 527,720
Allocate S2 (2:5:2) (194,040) 38,808 97,020 58,212
195,888 533,980 585,932
Allocate S3(1 :6) (195,888) 27,984 167,904
561,964 753,836 1,315,800
(iii) Reciprocal Method
Let Sa be the total costs of service dept 1
Let Sb be the total costs of service dept 2
Let Sc be the total costs of service dept 3
Each of the coefficients in the expressions hereunder (used to get cost after recognition)are percentages based on proportional service received by a department from the departments
Sa=92400+0.1Sb+ 0.30Sc Equation (i)
Sb=184,800 +0.1Sa Equation (ii)
Sc=138,600 +0.2Sa+0.2b Equation (iii)
Substituting Equation (ii) into Equation (i) and solving, we get;
Sa=92400+0.1(184,800 +0.1Sa+ 0.0sc)+ 0.30Sc………Equation (i)c
Sa=92400+(18,480 +0.01Sa)+ 0.30Sc
Sa=110,880 +0.1Sa+ 0.30Sc
0.99Sa=110,880+ 0.30Sc
Substituting Equation (ii) into Equation (iii) and solving, we get,
Sc=138,600 +0.2Sa+0.2(184,400+0.1Sa) Equation (iii)
Sc=138,600 +0.2Sa+36,880+0.02Sa
Sc=175,480 +0.2Sa+0.02Sa
0.98Sc=175,480+ 0.2Sa Equation (iv)
Substituting (v) into Equation (iv) and solving we get,
0.99Sa=110,880+ 0.30Sc
0.99Sa=110,880+ 0.30(175,480+ 0.2Sa)
0.99Sa=110,880+ 52,644+ 0.06Sa
0.99Sa=163524+ 0.06Sa
Sb=184,400 0.1(175,832) = 201,983
Sc= 138,600+ 0.2(175,832) +0.2(201,983)= 214,163
Cost Prior to S1 S2 S3 P1 P2 Total
92,400 184,800 138,600 400,000 500,000 1,315,800
Cost after
recognition 175,832 201,983 214,163
Allocate S1(1:2:4:3) 9,240 18,480 36,960 27,720
194,040 157,080 436,960 527,720
Allocate S2 (2:5:2) (194,040) 38,808 97,020 58,212
195,888 533,980 585,932
Allocate S3(1 :6) (195,888) 27,984 167,904
561,964 753,836 1,315,800
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Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.