Transition Sentences for Essays: Are you in the process of writing your essay and do you want your work to have the right transition words to have a well-flowing and clear essay? Transition sentences contain transition words that help you to link one idea to another.
What are Transition Sentences for Essay?
These are a combination of words or phrases that enable you to express the relationship between two ideas. Without transition sentences, your essay would not fit together clearly.
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Example of Transition Sentences For Essays
- The people desired to eat more junk food; but, the doctor advised them not to do so.
- The role of vice president rarely requires him to go to international meetings. Normally, he goes to the local meetings.
- LGBT movements are yet to be approved in some countries, regardless, of the need for community inclusion for all.
- More companies continue to emit green gas into the environment, as a result, our earth is continuing to become warmer.
- The government should lower taxes on low-income earners, for instance, lowering the income tax rates for workers earning less than 100,000 dollars per annum.
- Qatar is enriched with oil, similarly, UAE is among the leading producer of oil.
- Some careers are becoming obsolete, subsequently, many people will become jobless
Transition Sentences for Argumentative Essays
1. The research suggested that more extroverted managers can adversely influence investors’ opinions of their company and, consequently, it’s worth
2. He was disqualified and therefore could not compete to defend his title
3. During the last meeting the secretary read the chairman’s report and then the board report
4. One of the reasons why girls may be considered generous is that they are gentle and they don’t get into fights often. In addition, girls are more forgiving compared to boys
5. Although girls are considered more generous than boys that may not be necessarily true. Several cases have shown that some girls are cruel. First, we revisit a case where 19 years old girl attacked a classmate in a school swimming competition.
Transition Sentences for Essays
Joining Independent Clauses
Transitions words can be used to join two independent clauses by using a semicolon at the end of the first clause, followed by a transition word and then a comma.
Example: Transition Sentences for Essays
I paid my insurance premium for the personal accident: therefore, I am covered for a personal accident
We can prevent road accidents by following all road signs: for example, not overtaking
Transition words at the Beginning of a Sentence
Every time transition words are used at the beginning of a sentence they should be followed by a comma.
Example: Transition Sentences for Essays
“United States of America’s economy was affected by Covid 19 lockdown. Likewise, other countries in the world were also affected.”
“Although, in the past personal branding wasn’t considered important when searching for employment current employers are looking for well-developed personal brands”
Transition words as Interrupting words or Phrase
Transition words can be in the middle of a sentence to add a purpose to the sentence, depending on the setting. In this particular case, where transition words are used as an interrupter, the placement of words is flexible.
Example: Transition Sentences for Essays
“The president’s directives were clear, for instance, no one should be authorized to sell prohibited goods.”
“Life in the city is expensive, but, there are better amenities.”
Short Essay with Transition Sentences Words
“Over the years, the discoveries of better modes of communication have created easier and faster methods of transmitting information. Moreover, it has lowered the cost of communication to an affordable rate for most people.”
Argumentative Essay Transition Words
When it comes to argumentative essays certain transition words are more suitable as indicated below
Additional Support: Furthermore, additionally, again, likewise, and, as well, besides, equally, important, further, also, still, furthermore, in addition, moreover, then
Cause and Effect: Therefore, subsequently, consequently, hence, so, therefore, thus
Conclusion/Summary: Finally, in a word, eventually, lastly, briefly, to sum up, in conclusion, in the end, in the final analysis, on the whole, thus, to conclude, to summarize.
Contrast: notwithstanding, in contrast, on the contrary, but, however, in spite of, on the one hand, on the other hand, nevertheless, nonetheless
Emphasis: clearly, even, definitely, certainly, in fact, of course, truly, without question,
Example: for instance, for example, namely, specifically, to illustrate
Place/Position: beyond, above, adjacent, below, there, here, in front, in back, nearby
Sequence/Order: then, first, second, third, next, finally, lastly
Similarity: similarly, equally, also, in the same way, just as, likewise, similarly
Time: recently, After, later, afterward, at last, before, currently, earlier, immediately, meanwhile, now, simultaneously, subsequently, then, during
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Conclusion: Transition Sentences for Essays
Transition words for essays will ensure that your argumentative or persuasive essay has a clear meaning and looks less wordy. Always use the Transition words depending on the type of information and idea you want to connect. You cannot use illustration transition words in place of comparison transition words. This would create a different meaning from what is intended. Identify the transition words to use at the beginning of your sentence, in between a clause, and even in summary sections. Once you do this, your essay will be well structured and better flowing.

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.