The New Curriculum/Education system in Kenya

 The New Curriculum/Education system in Kenya: In 2017 education cabinet secretary announced the pilot enrollment of a new curriculum in some schools.

The New Curriculum Education System in Kenya

What The New Curriculum Education System in Kenya will include.

The New Curriculum will include 2 years in pre-primary and 6 years in primary. After primary school students will proceed to secondary school where the lower level will be the junior secondary school. After three years the student will then proceed to senior secondary level.  For the final level, students will proceed to vocational institutions or universities.

The examinations will be continuous assessment tests and national exams will be done away with.  The abilities, competencies, and skills will be tested at a different level, and later in senior secondary, the students can choose which area to major in.  For instance, one can choose to major in Arts.

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Advantages of New Curriculum Education System in Kenya.

The good thing about this system is that it caters to the needs of the children. Students will be able to experience more than just reading for examinations. Children will be more empowered and they will be more involved in learning.

Since national exams will be scrapped it means less emphasis on ranking. The ranking has turned many students to book warmers who just read to pass exams.

Teachers will be required to be more knowledgeable. They will have to use different teaching methodologies to deliver content. These methodologies will include mentoring, coaching, illustrations, facilitation, and demonstrations.

What are the major differences between the 8.4.4 system and system?

Other than the change in the number of years in each level, national exams will be scrapped off. Students will be assessed in a continuous manner. Teachers will become more than just instructors because more teaching methodologies will be used. Students’ skills and abilities will also be developed in the new system as they will be exposed to life skills from pre-primary. Some of these skills will include psycho-social and interpersonal skills.

At the senior level, they will be exposed to community service and physical education. The interesting thing about this new system is that parents and the community will be involved at one level or another. For instance, parents may identify an opportunity where the students may increase their knowledge. This means the parental role will be important in the education of the child.

8.4.4 System is exam-oriented but the trend may be changing. Students will be more involved in learning. Content will be retained as most sessions will be interactive. Talents and unique abilities will be recognized even for children who are not gifted academically. It will no longer have to be theory learning without any life skills learned. At the end of it, students will be more exposed and have the ability to handle some challenges in life.

Education is very vital in the development of any country.  A good education system means a more knowledgeable workforce who can be able to meet development goals.