Tangaza University College

Tangaza University College: Looking for Tangaza University College Courses, Fees Structure, Admission Requirements, Application and Contacts? Find more details on Tangaza University College below

Tangaza University College

Tangaza University College is a Catholic University College jointly owned by the member religious congregations.

The university offers undergraduate degrees, masters degree, diploma programmes and a number of certificate programmes in its various institutes.

The phenomenal growth of the College is a reflection of the importance that the Kenya Nation attaches to development in those fields and in education in general, all these being rounded up with a religious and spiritual touch rendering the student an all round formation at Tangaza.

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Courses offered at Tangaza University College

Tangaza College aspires to be a community of learning and holistic human formation directed towards the promotion of gospel values and academic excellence in a multi-cultural context.

Courses & Programs offered at Tangaza College

Certificate Courses Offered at Tangaza University College

•    Certificate in Spirituality with Specialization in Franciscan Studies
•    Certificate in Religious Formation/Spiritual Guidance
•    Certificate in Music
•    Certificate in Child and Youth Studies
•    Certificate in Catechetics
•    Certificate in Leadership and Management
•    International Computer driving License

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•    Certificate in Early Childhood Education
•    Certificate in Business Information Technology
•    Certificate in Social Work/Social Ministry
•    Certificate in Philosophy
•    Certificate in Islamic Studies
•    Certificate in Franciscan Studies
•    Certificate in Spirituality
•    Certificate in African Studies
•    Certificate in Theology
•    Certificate in Youth Ministry/Catechetics
•    Certificate in Sciences of Human Development
•    Certificate in Media Production

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Diploma courses offered at Tangaza University College

•    Diploma in Spirituality with Specialization in Franciscan Studies
•    Diploma in Social Entrepreneurship
•    Diploma Civic and Development Education
•    Diploma in Business Information Technology (DBIT)
•    Diploma Early Childhood Development Education
•    Diploma in African Studies (Tangaza)
•    Diploma in Education (Art & Science)
•    Diploma in Leadership and Resources Management
•    Diploma in Leadership and Management
•    Diploma in Counseling Psychology

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•    Diploma in Child and Youth Studies (Tangaza)
•    Diploma in Youth Ministry/Catechetics
•    Diploma in Social Ministry
•    Diploma in Sciences of Human Development
•    Diploma in Social Communication
•    Diploma in Religious Formation/Spiritual Guidance
•    Diploma in Spirituality/Spiritual Guidance (Tangaza)
•    Diploma in Spirituality (Tangaza)
•    Diploma in Theology (Seminary Course)
•    Diploma in Theology (Ordinary Course)
•    Diploma in Theology (Spirituality)

Degree courses offered at Tangaza University College

•    Bachelor of Arts Degree in Youth Ministry
•    Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Communication
•    Bachelor of Arts in Counseling Psychology
•    Bachelor of Arts in Leadership and Management
•    Bachelor of Arts in Sustainable Human Development
•    Bachelor of Arts in Child & Youth Studies
•    Bachelor of Arts in Social Ministry
•    Bachelor of Education (Arts & Science)
•    Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology
•    Bachelor in Theology

Masters Programmes

•    Master of Education (MEd) in Counselling Psychology
•    MA in Social Transformation
•    Master of Education in Guidance & Counseling
•    Master of Education (Educational Leadership & Administration)
•    Masters of Arts in Counseling Psychology
•    Masters of Arts in Governance/Management
•    Master of Arts in Theology
•    Masters of Arts in Religious Formation
•    Masters of Arts in Pastoral Ministry
•    Masters of Arts in African Studies
•    MBA Global Business & Sustainability : Social Entrepreneurship Track

Doctoral Programmes

•    Doctor of Social Transformation
•    PhD in Social Transformation

Courses as per School/ Departments


Masters in Theology with Focus (Duquesne University)
Masters in Pastoral Ministry (Duquesne University)
Ecclesiastical Degree of Baccalaureate in Theology (CUEA) [STB]
Bachelor of Theology (CUEA) [BATh]
Tangaza Four-Year Diploma in Theology (Seminary Course)
Tangaza Two-Year Diploma in Theology with Focus (Tangaza)
Tangaza One-Year Certificate in Theology (Tangaza)
Tangaza One-Year Certificate in Philosophy (Tangaza)


Bachelor of Arts in Social Communication (CUEA)
Diploma in Social Communication (Tangaza)
Certificate in Media Production (Tangaza)


Master of Arts in Social Ministry (CUEA)
Master of Business Administration (Catholic University of Milan)
Bachelor of Arts in Social Ministry in Mission (Sciences and Praxis of Human Development) (CUEA)
Bachelor of Arts in Sustainable Human Development (CUEA)
Diploma in Sciences of Human Development (Tangaza)
Diploma in Social Ministry (Tangaza)
Certificate in Sciences of Human Development (Tangaza)
Certificate in Social Ministry (Tangaza)
Certificate in Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (Tangaza)
Social Ministry Preparatory Year (Tangaza)


Master of Educational Guidance and Youth Counselling (Approval pending)
Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Guidance and Youth Counselling (Approval pending)
Bachelor of Arts in Youth Ministry (CUEA)
Diploma in Youth Ministry (Tangaza)
Diploma in Youth Studies (Tangaza)
Diploma in Counselling Psychology (Tangaza)
Certificate in Youth Studies (Tangaza)
Certificate in Counselling Psychology (Tangaz


Diploma in Spirituality (Tangaza)
Diploma in Spirituality/Spiritual Guidance (Tangaza)
Diploma in Religious Formation (Tangaza)
Certificate in Spirituality (Tangaza)
Certificate in Franciscan Studies (Tangaza)


Bachelor of Arts (DePaul University, Chicago)
Diploma in Leadership and Management (Tangaza)
Certificate in Leadership and Management (Tangaza)


Bachelor of Education (St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, USA)
Diploma in Secondary Education (St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, USA)
Diploma in Education (Tangaza)
Certificate of Bridging
Pre-university Maths
Pre-university English


Master of Arts (M.A.) (St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, USA)
Master of African Studies (M.A.S.) (St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, USA)
Diploma in African Studies (Tangaza)
Certificate in African Studies (Tangaza)


Diploma in Counselling
Certificate in Counselling


Diploma in Psychological C

Tangaza University College Admission Requirements

Tangaza University College Admission Requirements varies depending on the course you want to apply.

Certificate Programmes

Admission Requirements.
Admission Requirements for any diploma programme is a mean grade of D+ in KCSE .

Our intakes are in May, August and January(full time, part time). Holiday based programmes are also available.

Diploma Programmes

Admission Requirements.
Admission Requirements for any diploma programme is a mean grade of C- in KCSE .

Our intakes are in May, August and January(full time, part time). Holiday based programmes are also available.

Degree Programmes

Admision Requirements.
– KCSE C+ mean or its equivalent.

– KACE 2 principal passes & 1 Subsidiary pass or its equivalent.

– Academic/professional diploma from institutions recognized by CUEA

– Any other qualification accepted by CUEA Senate Requirements for admission into the University.

Our intakes are in May, August and January (full time, part time). Holiday based programmes are also available.

Masters Programmes
Admission Requirements
BA degree from recognized University with a minimum of an Upper Second Class Honours (for exception contact our office)

Our intakes are in May, August and January(full time, part time). Holiday based programmes are also available.

You can also contact the university using the contacts details below.

Tangaza University College Fee Structure

The fees structure depends on the course that you are undertaking at the time of application.

Bachelor of Arts in Counseling Psychology KES 201,750

Bachelor of Arts in Leadership and Management KES 200,950

Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy with A Focus On Peace and Security KES 219,350

Bachelor of Arts in Sustainable Human Development KES 200,350

Bachelor of Arts in Social Communication KES 230,550

Bachelor of Education (Arts) KES 186,150

Bachelor of Education (Science) KES 194,550

Tangaza University College Contacts

THE Registrar,
P.O Box 15055-00509, Langata
TEL. (+254) – 020- 26790481 / 26792311
CELL: 0733-6850591, 0732-8170001, 0722-204724, 0714-610777
E-Mail: inquiries@ tangaza.org
Website: www.tangaza.org

School Of Theology
P.O. BOX 1505500509 Langata Nairobi Kenya.
0714 610 677, 0733 685 059

Institute Of Social Communication
P.O Box 15055-00509 Langata, Nairobi Kenya.
0714 610777, 0733 85059
directorisc@tangaza.org, iscadmissions@tangaza.org

Christ The Teacher Institute For Education
P.O Box, 1505500509 Langata, Nairobi, Kenya
0732 397165, 0715 621993

Centre for Leadership and Management
P.O BOX 15055-00509 Langata, Nairobi Kenya
020 8067667, +254 732 817 000, 074 610 777, 0708 083525, 0731 335143
depaul@tangaza.org, depaulsec@tangaza.org

Maryknoll Institute of Africa Studies
P.O.BOX 1519900509, Lang’ata Nairobi Kenya.
+254 0732 818 917, 0726818 917, 0732821517
miasmu@tangaza.org, MIASMU@maf.or.ke

Institute of Social Ministry
Langata South Road, P.O. Box 15055 – 00509 , Nairobi Kenya.
0722-204724 , 0733-685059

Institute of Youth Studies
Langata South Road, Institute of Youth Studies P.O. Box 15055, 00509 , Nairobi Kenya.
0734 420 935, 0722204724, 0789479057

Institute Of Spirituality and Religious Formation.
Langata South Road, Institute of Spiritual and Religious Formation P.O. Box 15055 – 00509 , Nairobi.