- Sunrise Teachers Training College
- Courses Offered at Sunrise Teachers Training College
- Courses Offered at Sunrise Teachers Training College
- Sunrise Teachers Training College Admission Requirements
- Sunrise Teachers Training College Application Form
- Sunrise Teachers Training College Fees Structure
- Sunrise Teachers Training College Contacts
Looking for Sunrise Teachers Training College Courses, Fees Structure, Admission Requirements, Application Form, Contacts. Find more details on Sunrise Teachers Training College below
Sunrise Teachers Training College
Sunrise Teachers Training College is a teachers college Committed to quality education on Early Childhood education at both certificate and diploma level and has a P1 course (Primary Teachers). The college is Build on a firm Christian foundation.
It has three campuses, one at KINANIE MARKET just about 4km from Athi River Town and the other at Athi River Town, Ngei Two and the other at Nairobi, Development house 8th floor, opp. Afya center. For the Kinanie campus, Matatus are picked from Athi River town Peponi stage next to the market.They are all located in a good environment with a conducive learning atmosphere
Benefits In Studying At Sunrise TTC.
-KNEC examinations upgrading for those
with D- to B+
-Teaching practice with some allowances offered free
– 99% employment guaranteed on graduation
Our Mission
Our Mission is to promote the value of learning, self-worth among students and staff, quality performance among students and staff, and transition for students to productive and responsible participation in society
Our Vission
To produce a reliable all round teacher spiritually morally and intellectually, able to take up his / her position in building knowledgeable and competent students.
Courses Offered at Sunrise Teachers Training College
Take a look at the courses offered at Sunrise Teachers Training College and find one that meets your needs.
Courses Offered at Sunrise Teachers Training College
Find Sunrise Teachers Training College courses offered:-
Diploma and Certificate In Ecde
P1(Primary Teachers)
Certificate Courses
Pi (Primary Teachers’)
Contact the institution using the below details for more information
Sunrise Teachers Training College Admission Requirements
Sunrise Teachers Training College Admission Requirements varies depending on the course you want to apply.
You can download and print our admission for which is downloadable by visiting the college website.
Please Download our Admission letter if you have already be accepted to join Sunrice TTC
Contact the institution using the below details for more information
Sunrise Teachers Training College Application Form
You can find or Download Sunrise Teachers Training College Admission Forms on the college website
Contact the institution using the below details for more information
Sunrise Teachers Training College Fees Structure
The fees structure depends on the course that you are undertaking at the time of application.
Contact the institution using the below details for more information
Sunrise Teachers Training College Contacts
Contact Us
P.0.BOX 345
Telephone:020-253745/0724-406 799
P.O BOX 5106-00200 NAIROBI
TEL: 0721-318501
OPP. Afya Center, 020 – 2024647 Moi Avenue.

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.