Skyline Sacco – Contacts, Mobile Banking, Loans, Branches: Skyline Sacco Society LTD Offer its member a wide variety of benefit as a member Enjoy cheap loan Enjoy advances.
SKYLINE Sacco Society LTD (Formerly BARINGO Farmers savings and credit co-operative society Ltd) was registered in 1989 and started its operations on 1st Jan 1990 with 162 members and share capital of 184,000/=. Members are primarily drawn from eleven marketing societies comprising of Dairy, Coffee and Pyrethrum farmers. However, membership has been opened to Business people, Retirees, pensioners, groups and institutions.
Mission Statement
“To provide competitive modern financial and technical products & services for sustainable economic empowerment to our customers”
Vision Statement
“To be the leading one stop SACCO that helps people help themselves”
Statement Of Shared Values;
• Self respect: honoring our values and principles before anyone and anything else in public and private by listening to and respecting that little voice inside you.
• Integrity: Soundness of moral character embodying completeness/wholeness, consistency of actions, values and honesty.
• Commitment: willingness to see the benefits / interest of the society first
• Co-operation and teamwork: coming together through mutual understanding towards achievement of a common goal – -active participation in facilitation of team effectiveness in taking actions.
• Quality service: efficient and effective service that satisfies the customer
• Innovation and creativity: coming up with new ideas while improving what already is in existence.
Skyline Sacco Mobile Banking
- Go to Mpesa menu
- Select Lipa Na mpesa
- Select paybill
- Enter business Number(116519)
- Enter your Account Number
- Enter the amount
- Enter Your M-pesa Pin
- Ok
*You will receive a confirmation informing you that you have made a deposit to skyline Sacco soc ltd
With your Mobile phone you can do so much within your comfort zone!
- Press *879#
- Enter your M-banking Pin
- Choose preferred option from main menu
- Transfer from Account
- Paybill
- Balance inquiry
- Mini statement
- Buy airtime
- Micro loans
- Change pin
- Stop channel
Skyline Sacco Paybill Number
Skyline Sacco Paybill Number is 116519
Skyline Sacco – Contacts
For general information about the products/services, including registration, please contact us at:
info (@)
+254 51 752 483
Ravin Motel Building

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.