Quotes to Inspire Students from Teachers: Looking for Quotes to Inspire Students? Great teachers leave a positive mark on the lives of their students and there is no better way to do it than saying something positive about your students. Motivational Quotes for Students from Teachers have often resulted in positive impacts on the lives of students. It is in this aspect that we have come up with the best Quotes about Students from Teachers and scholars across the globe and some even are from ancient scholars like Socrates, Pluto, Aristotle, and many others
Quotes to Inspire Students from Teachers
1. “Always be open-minded, be ready to learn. Find the purpose of your life rather than getting a job or a career.” – Amanda Fawcett
2. “A student’s mind is like a book, full of knowledge, all they need is proper guidance to develop and improve what they already know.” – Spring 2006 issue of the American Educator
3. “A wise student uses their time in educating themselves by other men’s literature so that they will know easily what others have worked hard for. “-John Dewey
4. “A student who dares asks a question is only a fool for 5 minutes; the one who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.”- Chinese Proverb
5. “Don’t fear to be odd, it’s the extraordinary things in life that end up at the top.”. -Yourtango
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Quotes for Students from Teachers
1. “A student who rejects education will walk lame for the rest of their life.”. -Plato
2. “To be knowledgeable without knowing justice is to be cunning rather than being wise.” -Plato
3. “A wise student will speak since they have something to say. A foolish student will speak because they have to say something.” –Plato
4. “Unity is powerful, none of us is greater than all of us.”- Ken Blanchard
5. “Never lose your focus, today you are a leaner yet tomorrow you are a leader.”-Unknown
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6. “Always do your best, it’s not the numbers that matter in your life but the knowledge you have.”
7. “Its self-discipline will keep your going even when you are less motivated.”
Funny Quotes on Teacher Student Relationship
1. “A good teacher will show you where to look, but not tell you what you should see.”
2. “A teacher often hears all sorts of excuses, at times even the dog ate my homework has become a justified excuse to a student.”
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3. “It’s a teacher who will train the best mind and still celebrate more seeing the billionaire they have shaped in one way or another.”
4. “A teacher who teaches without knowing the names of her learners is just a teacher by profession and not by choice.”
5. “It’s a teacher who keeps going on even when 90 percent of the class looks absent-minded.”
6. “It’s a teacher who will move a seat for a learner but still know that the problem isn’t the seat but the student, they won’t just keep quiet.”
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Teacher Student Relationship Quotes
1. “A teacher never lacks an answer, sometimes simple “I will research further “is the best answer.”
2. “The impact of a teacher is greater than we know, just ask an elementary parent who teaches anything different than what was taught in class.”
3. “Teachers affect eternity; there is no way to tell where their influence stops.”
4. “A teacher who loves knowledge earns the right and the capacity to help others learn.”
5. “Teaching young mind how to count is fine, but teaching it what counts is more than fulfillment.”
6. “Some students need an awakener rather than a teacher.”
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Cute Quotes for Students from Teachers
1. “If God is on your side, you have the greatest power you will ever need.”
2. “If you fail to plan, failure will be waiting for you the next door.”
3. “Don’t take the easy path to life unless you want to be like everyone else. Choose the harder route, be ready to face failure, and never doubt that success will one day hit your day.”
4. “Doing a lot more does NOT necessarily mean you are getting a lot more done.”
5.”It’s the average man aimed with focus and hard work that ends up becoming the successful warrior.”
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6. “To achieve your dream is to quit the talk and take the action.”
7. “To achieve greatness, It’s the speed that we start with that matters, but the consistency we maintain towards achieving the goals.”
8. “Skills are developed through learning, unlearning, and re-learning.”
9. “Great students will not always have the time, but they know how to make the time.”
10.”A “yes you can” from a teacher can go a long way in building a foundation for a great dream.”
11. “If you desire it in your heart, it will be possible.”
12. “Don’t carry the baggage of too much acceptance.”
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Quotes to Students from Teachers
1. “Empty container makes the loudest sound, so they that have the smallest wit.”
2. “If you hear an opinion within you saying ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be quieted.” – Vincent Van Gogh
3. “You can’t over exhaust creativity. The more you use, the more you will have.”– Maya Angelou
4. “Everything you’ve ever hunted for is on the other side of fear.” – George Addair
5. “Learning is a continuous discovery of our ignorance.” Will Durant
6. “The journey of a learner is unpredicted; some leaders you see today were once naïve students with oversized uniforms.”
8. It’s funny how students can imitate their teacher’s body language, tone, and voice.”
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Teacher Quotes for Students
1. The best way to conquer the world is to first conquer the “self” within. It’s a shame to conquer the world and later be conquered by self.
2. A good book will give your mind wings, your imagination a flight, and to your life everything.
3. Aspire to make a difference and not just living.
4. A student who has stretched his thought with new ideas will never settle for average. They will aim for better results.
5. Trying new ideas means overcoming our fears and learning to learn from our mistakes.
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6. A society that rejects education has no option but to open extra doors for prisons.
7. Small minds have the tendency to belittle others, keep off from such.
8. To achieve great things, we have to start where we are, learn how to use what we have, and do the best that can ever be done.
9. You have no excuse to be mediocre, when you can’t fly choose to run. If running is no choice, walk, and if walking is not possible crawl. Just keep on moving.”-Martin Luther King
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Conclusion: Quotes to Inspire Students from Teachers
Our goal in writing the above education quotes for students is to help teachers, educators and motivational speakers be able to bring out the best in every learner. Simple positive words can have a great impact in helping students become greater people in society. These quotes are also useful to any other person looking for inspiration messages to send to students before exams or during graduation.

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.