Private Primary Schools along Thika Road: There are so many good private primary schools along Thika road that offer the best education you can find in Kenya.
Most of these private schools perform very well in the KCPE. Find some of the private Primary Schools along Thika Road below?
Private Primary Schools along Thika Road
1. Mountain View School
Mountain View School is a private primary day and boarding school located in Nairobi, USIU road next to Safari Park hotel.
It has a population of over 1300 students, expansive fields, fleet of vehicles, and performs very well in KCPE exams.
2. Thika Road Christian School
Thika Road Christian School situated in Kasarani Sub-County of Nairobi, along the Thika Road Superhighway.
3. Cornerstone Academy
Cornerstone Academy is located Zimmerman Estate, Opp Mirema Drive, Off Kamiti Road
4. Lily Academy
Located Progressive Area, Off Thika Road
5. Sukari Presbyterian Academy
Situated along Thika Road; Kahawa Sukari area
6. Mt. Laverna Academy
Mt. Laverna Academy is situated in Kasarani, on your way to Mwiki, Ngorofam Stage, Opposite SDA Church Ken Hunt, Kasarani Hunters, and City Chicken Raod Nairobi
Which Private Primary School along Thika road do you know? Send us an email for an update.

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.