Narrative Essay Topics for College Students: Narrative essays can be difficult for students to write. The main purpose of a narrative essay is to describe a particular subject and share your experience.
This might be very difficult to choose a topic to write about. When it comes to writing an essay, choosing a topic becomes the hardest part.
Find some of the Narrative Essay Topics for College Students
Narrative Essay Topics
1. A challenging decision you had to make.
2. A dangerous experience.
3. A difficult misunderstanding.
4. A frustrating situation.
5. A genuine connection you’ve made.
6. A life-changing experience.
7. A major discovery.
8. A strange encounter.
9. A time when looks were deceiving.
10. A time when someone betrayed you.
11. A time when you broke a bone.
12. A time when you broke the rules and got caught.
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13. A time when you experienced history.
14. A time when you felt truly alone.
15. A time when you grew closer to your parents.
16. A time when you had a fresh start.
17. A time when you made the wrong choice.
18. A time when you met someone significant.
19. A time when you were kind to someone.
20. A time when you were lost.
21. A time when your intentions were misunderstood.
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22. A time when your viewpoint or stance was changed.
23. A tweet or Facebook message you wish you’ve never written.
24. A vacation you went on when you were young.
25. An acceptance.
26. An act of kindness that you will remember forever.
27. An embarrassing moment.
28. An event that did not go as planned.
29. An event that had a major positive/negative impact on your studies.
30. An event whose outcome you did not expect.
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Narrative Essay Topics for University Students
1. An experience I thought I would never have.
2. An experience that changed your opinion on an important matter.
3. An experience that is unique to you.
4. An experience that left me disillusioned.
5. An interesting situation.
6. Are you afraid that parents will read your social media posts one day?
7. Describe your worst day so far.
8. Devices playing the biggest role in my life.
9. Do you agree that Afro music pop takes over in Africa?
10. Do You Have A Journal Or Diary?
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11. Do you have your diary or journal?
12. Do You Read Just For Pleasure?
13. Does any Facebook story make you sad?
14. Favorite novels for young adults.
15. Favorite Young Adult Books Or Novels.
16. Have you been treated differently because of your looks?
17. How a close person helped you overcome a difficult moment in your life?
18. How a person influenced your life in a good way?
20. How do I relieve stress?
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21. How does your family influence your life?
22. How I met my fear?
23. How I started relationships?
24. How often you use your Twitter account? Would you ever buy traffic?
25. How someone deceived you?
26. How you accomplished your most significant achievement outside of school?
27. How you decided to delete your Facebook account?
28. How you describe your Facebook persona?
29. How you discovered a talent of yours?
30. How you discovered your favorite hobby?
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Narrative Topics for College students
1. How you drifted apart from a friend over time?
2. How you forgave someone who had hurt you?
3. How you got an A on an exam?
4. How you helped a fellow student with homework?
5. How you made a boring experience more fun?
6. How you made an important decision in your life?
7. If I could go back in time.
8. The best experience that you have shared with your closest friend.
9. The best holiday that you have had.
10. The best lesson your parents have taught you.
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11. The best songs you listen to when hanging out with your friends.
12. The best songwriters of modern times.
13. The best thing you’ve seen during your visit to a local museum.
14. The biggest mischief you have pulled off.
15. The biggest risk I’ve ever taken.
16. When somebody died.
17. When you got a childhood possession.
18. When you met a friend.
19. Which Are The Best Authors And Books?
20. Which Books Have You Read Lately?
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21. Which of your own characteristics is the most important to you?
22. Which of your past houses is the most “home” to you?
23. Who inspires me and why?
24. Who is the person who introduced you to your favorite audio genre?
Narrative Essay Topics for College
1. If I could stop the time.
2. Memorable Poems You’ve Read This Year
3. Musicians who failed fans due to drug abuse.
4. My act of cowardice.
5. My act of heroism.
6. My first day at a new job.
7. My first day at a new school.
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8. My first month of living on my own.
9. My happiest day ever.
10. My long-time passion.
11. My most dangerous experience.
12. My most disastrous day ever.
13. My most frightening experience.
14. My sudden act of a kindness.
15. One day or week without an access to the Internet.
16. One of your proudest moments.
17. One thing I’m afraid to lose.
18. People that have changed my life.
19. Pop-music celebrities and their incredible lives.
20. Reasons to start your online learning blog.
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21. Reasons Why You Should Start An Online Learning Blog.
22. Side effects of my digital life.
24. Something bad that happened to you and made you stronger.
25. Something that you did and had to apologize for you to your parents.
26. Something that you did and have deep regrets over.
27. Story of the tune that inspires you.
28. The achievement I’m proud of.
29. The best authors and their literary pieces.
30. The best book you’ve ever read.
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Narrative Essay Topics for College Students
1. The end of a friendship.
2. The experience that taught me how appearance can be deceiving.
3. The first time when you performed a lab experiment.
4. The first time when you travelled on a plane/train/boat.
5. The first time when you wrote an essay.
6. The first time you got pulled over for speeding.
7. The first time you made a presentation in front of your class.
8. The first time you were away from home.
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9. The funniest thing which has ever happened to you
10. The greatest conversation of my life.
11. The growth of modern hip-hop culture.
12. The hardest decision I’ve ever made.
13. The hardest thing I’ve ever done.
14. The journey that has changed me.
15. The moment I overcome my phobia.
16.The most beautiful thing in the world for me.
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17. The most dangerous experience in your life.
18. The most irritating things in my life.
20. The most memorable moment on Twitter.
21. The most memorable school day for you.
22. The most memorable school trip.
23. The most memorable sports event that you’ve seen live or on TV
24. The most pleasant sound for me.
25. The most precious Christmas gift that you have received.
26. The most precious memory you have with a pet.
27. The most serious argument that you have had with your parents.
28. The most successful day in my life.
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29. The rise of Facebook or any other social media platform.
30. The biggest surprise that someone has organized for you.
Topic for Narrative Essay
1. The time I was wrong about the person.
2. The time that you discovered your talent.
3. The time that you heard the best and worst news.
4. The time when you felt the most grateful for what you had.
5. The time you got a new pet.
6. The video or picture that went viral on Instagram.
7. The wisest thing that your grandmother/grandfather has told you
8. The worst quarrel with my mother.
9. Two accounts of a single event.
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10. Waiting in line story.
12. What books teach me.
13. What challenges have I overcome?
14. What do I do when I feel depressed.
15. What is “home” to you?
16. What is a defining childhood moment?
17. What is most important in the friendship?
18. What makes you feel alive?
19.What memorable poetry have I learned?
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20. What movies inspire me.
21. What music can change my mood?
22. What music inspires me.
23. What my profile in social networks tells about me.
24. What my younger sibling taught me.
25. What reality-show I would like to participate in.
26. What role television plays in my life.
27. What superhero power I would like to have.
28. What television shows have mattered to me?
29. What words or phrases I don’t like to use.
30. What you have learned from your favorite book.
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Narrative Essay Ideas
1. Whom would I ask to come if I had my own Talk-show?
2. Why do I keep (or don’t keep) a diary or journal?
3. Why do I like being alone?
4. Why Do You Love Writing?
5. Why I like (or don’t like) cooking?
6. Why you envy people who use Instagram.
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7. Why you like sharing pictures.
8. Would you agree to exchange paper notes for their digital versions?
9. Would You Exchange Your Paper Notes For Some Digital Versions?
10. Your best sports, dance, musical, etc. performance.
11. Your earliest memory.
12. Your experience with someone who you did not like at first, but then became your.
13. Your experience with trying a new thing.
14. Your favorite academic discipline at school.
15. Your favorite musical works.
16. Your favorite pop singer.
17. Your first crush on someone.
18. Your first day at a new job.
19. Your first day at a new school.
20. Your first love.
21. Your first meeting with a new sibling.
22. Your first performance on stage.
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College Narrative Essay Examples
1. The role clubs and teams play in my life.
2. The smartest decision that you have ever made.
3. The sweetest thing that you have done for someone.
4. Books or movies that have changed my world view.
5. Coolest Things You’ve Seen During A Visit To The Museum.
6. Describe why you like writing.
7. Describe your best day so far.
8. The teacher who inspired me.
9. How your friendship with your best friend started and developed?
10. If I could change anything in the history, what would I choose?
11. The time I got a new friend.
12. The time I learned that grammar is necessary.
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13. The time I lost my friend.
14. The time I saw the weirdest thing in my life.
15. Your first time in a museum.
16. Your karaoke experience.
17. Interesting Books For Students To Read This Summer.
18. Memorable poems that you’ve read this summer.
19. Your most memorable team work experience.
20. Your reaction to a major recent event.
21. If I had a billion dollars.
22. If you could undo one experience in your life, what would it be?
23. Interesting books for college students to buy and read.
24. If I could change one thing about me.
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Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.