LGBT Persuasive Essay Topics: LGBT is a very contentious issue that is not accepted in many countries and even people don’t want to talk about it, even in developed countries like the United States.
No matter how much we try to hide it or shun it away, it is important we understand the homosexual community, as well as acknowledge their existence.
If you are researching and want to write a Persuasive essay on LGBT, today we are going to look at some of the topics that you can write about.
LGBT Persuasive Essay Topics
A phenomenological study of LGBT Ugandan immigrants in the USA and the implications of coming out.
A queer vision of love and marriage
A short history of trans people’s long fight for equality
Addiction is a disease. We should treat it like one
Adoption rights for LGBT couples.
Asexuality– what is means, how it is often misunderstood
Biography of a specific person in history whose trans identity or same-sex attraction was known or documented
Bisexuality and issues that are unique to bisexual people
Read: Persuasive Speech Topics About Mental Health
Coming out stories/ coming out process
Compare and contrast laws and culture within Asian countries– which are the most friendly to LGBTQ people
Contrast how LGBTQA people are treated in other countries compared to the United States
Discrimination and treatment in the workplace (search also phrases such as “openly gay teachers”)
Domestic violence in the LGBT community.
Embrace your raw, strange magic.
Every college should have an LGBT center.
Gender dysphoria and the controversy of diagnosing “gender identity disorder” in the mental health profession
Gender identity and American (or another nation’s) cultural norms
Gender nonconforming children in schools
History of bisexuality– at what point was it recognized as an identity?
Homophobia within the LGBT community.
How are LGBT families represented in advertising?
How does bullying in high school impact LGBT students sense of belonging in a school setting?
How does language empower and disempower the LGBT community?
How does poverty affect the LGBT community?
How does racial exclusion happen in the LGBT community?
See Also: LGBT Argumentative Essay Topics
LGBT Speech Ideas
LGBTQA rights worldwide (focusing on the “LGBTQA climate” in a specific country or region)
LGBTQA writers
Marriage of LGBTQA people to heterosexuals in order to “pass” (especially in traditional cultures)
New reproductive technologies for LGBTQA people
Non-discrimination policy for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) patients.
Opposition to gay rights
Queer film festivals as a step toward visibility
Queer performance art
How I’m bringing queer pride to my rural village
How people who identify as non-binary navigate a world that sees gender in binary terms
How sexual orientation (who you’re attracted to) differs from gender identity (who you are)
How the nonbinary identity differs from the transgender identity
How the worst moments in our lives make us who we are
How to raise awareness for the LGBT community in Texas.
How to talk (and listen) to transgender people
How to talk to early childhood kids about LGBT families/ partners in the classroom.
How well does medical establishment treat transgender people?
Impact of social media on LGBT.
Injustice against LGBT youth in juvenile courts.
Integration of the LGBT community into the US military.
Legal rights of transgender people
Lesbian and gay history– at what point did sexual behavior come to be seen as an identity?
Lesbian and gay history– was there a time period and location in which the social climate was more accepting of same-sex attraction and desire?
Lesbian and gay parenting
LGB history– the influence of cultural norms and attitudes of a specific century or decade, and how/why people hid their feelings of same-sex attraction
LGBT communities and urban change.
LGBT community should be respected as other sectors in civil society.
LGBTQ themes/ homosexuality in the Bible
LGBTQA couples of differing nationalities– can they live in the same country?
LGBTQA marches and political movements
LGBTQA mental health; research shows LBGTQA people have higher overall rates of depression, anxiety, and substance abuse disorders
LGBTQA pioneers and activists
LGBT Persuasive Speech Topics
Raising awareness of LGBT bullying.
Reducing suicide cases in the LGBT community.
Same-sex marriage — who supports it, who opposes it
Sexual orientation– what does biological research tell us about it?
The danger of hiding who you are
The discrimination and treatment of LGBT people in the workplace.
The gender bias: how LGBT men and women are treated differently in law, media, and social interactions.
The history of how LGBTQA people have or have not been integrated into the priesthood of a particular faith
The impact LGBT parents have on their children.
The negative effects of victimization of LGBT adolescents.
The plight of the church when counseling the LGBT community.
The rates of drug use/addiction in LGBT communities.
The story of a parent’s transition and a son’s redemption
The story of Marvel’s first queer Latina superhero
This is what LGBT life is like around the world
This tennis icon paved the way for women in sports
To what extent were the Stonewall riots of 1969 the most important cause of change in American civil rights and the consequent LGBT movement?
Transgender history– e.g., search transgender history in San Francisco
Transgender visibility and “passing”
Violence and bullying of LGBTQA people
What is/are the effect(s) of discrimination against the LGBT community?
What new elements have LGBTQA people brought to a particular faith
What the gay rights movement learned from the civil rights movement
When to take a stand — and when to let it go
Why businesses shouldn’t discriminate against LGBT people.
Why kids need to learn about gender and sexuality
Why we need gender-neutral bathrooms

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.