Professional “Season Greetings’ Message: It is another holiday season so you should take time and appreciate your clients, suppliers, and all other stakeholders in your business or company. If you are wondering what to write in a business Christmas card, or how to come up with a professional “season greetings’ message, worry no more because we have compiled the best happy holiday messages for clients.
Corporate holiday card messages can play a vital role in solidifying your business relationship as well as retaining customer loyalty.
This holiday you can choose one of the below business holiday greetings and surprise your client, business associates, or any other person or company within your organization’s operations.
Professional “Season Greetings’ Message
1. Best holiday wishes from {name of the company}! May the coming year be joyful.
2. {Company’s name} take this opportunity to wish you a happy holiday.
Read: End-of-Year Thank You Message to Clients
3. Holiday greetings and best wishes for the coming new year!
4. It is a wonderful moment to wish you a delightful holiday season and a successful new year.
5. May your holiday season be filled with happiness and peace.
6. Your choice of giving us more business is highly appreciated. Season’s greetings from the entire departments at {company’s name}.
Read: Welcome Message for New Team Member
Professional Holiday Card Messages
1. Holiday greetings! Thank you for choosing to remain in a great partnership with us. Happy holiday.
2. Season’s greeting! Your support did allow us to become better. Best Holiday season.
3. Warmest Holiday greetings! May you enjoy the holiday and may the coming year be prosperous.
Read: Holiday Message to Teacher from Student
4. Cheers to a delightful holiday season. Best Christmas wishes to you.
5. Wishing you a happy holiday season and a prosperous new year.
6. Happy holiday! Thank you for the opportunity you have given us to work with you.
7. Be of good cheer in the coming holiday season. May the coming year be prosperous.
8. Dear esteemed client, we wish you a merry Christmas and a successful new year.
9. Happy holiday! You are highly appreciated for the business you give us. Looking forward to a more cordial business relationship.
Read: Short Meaningful Inspirational New Year Quotes
Corporate Greetings Message
1. Thank you for making it possible for us to achieve the best. {Company’s name) entire crew wishes you a happy holiday.
2. Season’s greetings to one of the best royal clients. Indeed, our business has been a success because of great people like you. Happiest season to you.
3. Happy season, spread the love and the positivity into the new year. Happy holiday.
4. We are always happy for your business, and we wish you the best in the coming holiday season and the new year.
5. With lots of gratitude, we take this opportunity to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
6. We are happy we had a dedicated client like you. Best Christmas wishes and a happy new year.
Read: Happy New Year Wishes for Students
Holiday Greetings for Business
1. Our thoughts and best wishes are with you this wonderful holiday season.
2. Thank you for being one of the clients who has helped us achieve this year’s success. Happy holiday.
3. It is during this holiday season we thank you for being a wonderful client. Best holiday wishes to you.
4. Merry Christmas and happy new year to the most amazing clients who helped shape our business. All the best.
5. Season greetings (clients name) Working together with you has been a great privilege. Best holiday wishes to you.
6. Best holiday wishes from everyone at {organization’s name}. Thank you for being our valued client.
Read: New Year Wishes for Teacher
Corporate Holiday Cards Message
1. Happiest holiday season to you and your entire family.
2. Another great opportunity to wish you a wonderful holiday season and a cheerful new year.
3. May your holiday season be filled with memorable moments from those close to you. Happy holiday!
4. Happy holiday to one of our valued clients, it is always delightful to serve you. We couldn’t be better without you.
5. Thanks for sticking around even though it was a rainy moment for us. Best holiday wishes to you.
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6. We served you better because you took the time to give us your feedback. Happy Holiday. Looking forward to working with you in the new year.
7. The joy of giving you the best products is our greatest honor. Merry Christmas and happy new year.
8. In this wonderful time of the year, we wish you a joyful holiday and a successful new year.
Read: Christmas Messages for Students
Business Holiday Card Messages
1. Happy holiday! Glad you are a trusted companion.
2. Thank you for walking the journey with us. Cheers to a delightful holiday and a prosperous new year.
3. Our team is happy to wish you a happy Christmas and a joyful new year.
4. The role you play ensures we meet our business objectives. Happy to thank you and wish you a happy holiday.
5. A holiday card to our valued client, thank you for your continued support.
6. In the coming season and year, may you find better opportunities to find happiness and fulfillment.
7. This season of the year we take the chance to wish you a happy holiday and a joyful new year.
Read: Holiday Message to Students from Teacher
Corporate Holiday Greeting
1. We are grateful for all the opportunities you gave us to serve you. Best holiday wishes to you.
2. At the height of this holiday season, I wish you find joy, good health, and peace. Happy holiday!
3. It is clients like you that give us the inspirations to continue doing our best. Have an unforgettable Christmas and a prosperous new year.
4. May you have a marvelous Christmas and a remarkable New Year!
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5. Merry Christmas and a delightful new year! Looking forward to seeing you achieve the best in the coming days.
6. We hope your holiday season will the best. Warm holiday wishes to you and your family.
7. Hope you will have a happy holiday and may this season cheer last through the coming new year.
8. Thank you for being with us at the ending year. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you.
Read: Appreciation Merry Christmas Message to Employees
Conclusion: Professional “Season Greetings’ Message
The above messages have completed your search for Happy Holiday Messages to Clients or Business Holiday Card Messages. If you are not sure what to write on your clients’ Christmas cards, you can edit or personalize one of the above messages. The article provides you with business Christmas card text ideas. You can never go wrong if you take the time to send Christmas and new year messages to your customers, supplier, or any business stakeholders. All the best as you find the right wishes for the holiday season.

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.