Good Entertaining Speech Topic Ideas: To have an entertaining speech, you should find a good topic that will make your audience more attentive. You can give a persuasive speech or informative speech that will deliver the message and at the same time entertain. To have a successful presentation you need to have an entertaining speech topic. and below we have looked at entertaining speech ideas
Good Entertaining Speech Topic Ideas
1. Secrets of Successful Relationships
2. Habits of highly successful question
3. The future of ChatGPT
4. Jobs that will soon be overtaken by Artificial Intelligence
5. How to ask questions in the right way
6. The future of flying cars
7. Ways to increase your intelligence
8. Jobs that will soon come to an end
9. Why you should hang out with smart people
10. The best way to feed your brain with positivity
11. A man’s dilemma: beer or women?
12. A Middle-Aged Mom Figures Out Snapchat
13. About the French.
14. Addiction to the Internet.
15. Advances in medical research.
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16. AIDS and finding its cure
17. Alternatives to Cleaning
18. An Argument for Leaving Your Christmas Tree Up All Year
19. Animal rights and its enforcement.
20. Applicant speaks in job letters is a great material-oil well too.
21. Are you ready for children?
22. Bad hair day solutions.
23. Basic rules for driving in – fill in a big city.
24. Benefits of yoga.
25. Best Places to Nap
26. Best Reasons to Quit Your Job
27. Biggest blockbuster of all time.
28. Breaking up isn’t hard.
29. Changing My Mind, Again
30. Chinese proverbs explained.
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Entertaining Speech Topics
1. How to become good in public speaking
2. Why you need to laugh more
3. Ways to make money from your hobbies
4. Self-care and why it is important
5. Out door activities that will make you happier
6. How to make more friends
7. List of things to do in your spare time.
8. Lost in Translation
9. Making the Least of Your Time
10. Marriage advice and strange counseling assistance.
11. Marvel Vs. DC Comics.
12. Most stupid labels.
13. My Biggest Auto Correct Fail
14. My Biggest Fashion Mistakes
15, My Biggest Pet Peeve
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16. My Biggest Regret
17. My Childhood Imaginary Friend
18. My Dinner with My Favorite Video Game Character
19. My Favorite Misheard Song Lyric
20. My Funniest Online Dating Story
21. My Guilty Pleasure
22. My Life Motto
23. My Most Embarrassing Childhood Memory
24. My Real Life Superpower
25. My Worst Date
26. My Worst Experience with Rain
30. My Worst Hair Dye Experience
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Example of Entertainment Speech Topics
1. How fashion continues to evolve
2. Nature places you need to visit as you get older
3. How social media can end your relationship
4. How to become a better photographer
5. Ways to unlocks your financial stability
6. Reasons why more Americans are become obese
7. The secreat to a happy life
8. Hobbling Across the Finish Line
9. Hogging Your Side of the Bed: My Strategy to Sleep Alone
10. Horrible How To Instructions
11. Horrible Valentine’s Day Cards
12. How I Got My Nickname
13. How I Knew I Didn’t Get the Job
14. How I Knew I Was Done Having Children
15. How I Lost My Pants
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16. How important is breakfast.
17. How My Cat Will Take Over the World
18. How Not to Be Subtle
19. How Not to Decorate a Cake
20. How Not to Make Friends
21. How To Act Like a Dude
22. How to avoid boredom.
23. How to Be Awesome
24. How to Be Lame
25. How to Be Patient When You Just Can’t
26. How to Be the Center of Attention
27. How to buy condoms discreetly.
28. How to Cheat at Cards
29. How to Embarrass Your Teenager
30. How To End a Bad Date
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Entertainment Speech Topics
1. The First Time I Got Caught
2. The Funniest Thing My Kid Ever Said
3. The Invention of Lying
4. The Key To Being Successful at Watching Television
5. The Kid’s Toy I Still Love to Play with
6. The life of Steve Jobs and his inventions.
7. The male guide to selecting an outfit for a high school prom.
8. The Olympics and the atheletes who performed in most outstanding way
9. The Perks of Being the Life of the Party
10. The Right Way to Lie
11. The Time I Laughed at a Completely Inappropriate Time
12. The Ugliest Facial Hair I’ve Ever Seen
13. The Worst Chore I’ve Ever Had to Do
14. The Worst Color in the World
15. The Worst Habit I Know I Have
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16. The Worst Haircut I Ever Had
17. The Worst Ideas for Halloween Costumes
18. The Worst Joke I Ever Heard
19. The Worst Life Hack I’ve Ever Tried
20.The Worst Punishment I Ever Had as a Kid
22. The Worst Song Lyric I Ever Heard
23. The Worst Sound in the World
24. The Worst Thing I Ever Smelled
25. There Is No Such Thing as Too Much Caffeine
26. Things a T-Rex Can’t Do with Its Little Arms
27. Things I learned from sports.
28. Things I’ve Only Told My Therapist
29. Things men would never say.
30. Things you wouldn’t know without watching films.
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Topics for Entertainment Speech
1. Clean your house in 30 minutes.
2. Comparisons that won’t hold.
3. Crazy things to do in a final that doesn’t matter.
4. Creative marriage proposals.
5. Crime does pay.
6. Dark chocolate helps with emotional stress.
7. Deep Fried Oreos and Dieting
8. Describing a place of interest.
9. Different types of phobias.
10. Don’t say this to a police officer.
11. Don’t Touch the Thermostat: My Rules for Surviving Winter
12. Excuses for every occasion.
13. Explain baseball or football to a foreigner.
14. Extinction of different animals.
15. Extreme golf courses in the world.
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16. Famous bands such as ‘The Beatles’ and ‘The Eagles.’
17. Finger Painting: Not Just for Kids Anymore
18. First female chancellor of Germany – Angela Merkel.
19. French Revolution.
20. Freudian slips of the tongue.
21. Funny facts of life are popular topics for an entertainment speech.
22. Getting To Know the Little Voice in the Back of My Head
23. Gift wrapping tips for men.
24. Global warming and its effects.
25. Going Out Versus Going to Sleep at 9 pm on a Saturday
26. Golfing at night or in the snow.
27. Grandchildren’s phrases.
28. Gun control.
29. Why I’m Still Single
30. Why My Dog is My Best Friend
Entertainment Topics to Talk About
1. My Worst Traffic Violation
2. NASA and its achievements.
3. Natural disasters.
4. Nutella: Why I Just Can’t
5. Office work rules up side down.
6. Origins of superstitions.
7. Passive Aggressive Ways to Get Your Spouse to Do the Dishes
8. Pick Up Lines that Will Never Work
9. Popcorn Is Underrated
10. Problem solving in an entertaining way.
11. Rare pronunciations of ordinary words and phrases.
12. Reasons to Be Scared of the Dark
13. Relaxation Techniques that Haven’t Worked For Me
14. Roadside attractions.
15. Shoe Size: Does It Matter?
16. Shopping guide for a man.
17. Skinny Jeans or Where Have All the Men Gone?
18. Sleeping with the Fan On Just for the Noise
19. Socks and Sandals Are Okay
20. Something I Thought I Knew
21. Something That Made Me Laugh So Hard, I Cried
22. Stages of a hard working employee.
23. Stereotypes of college students can generate lots of speech topics.
24. Steroids and their use in important sports activities.
25. Strange dress codes.
26. Super Earth and its existence.
27. Ten Dumb Things I’ve Done So You Don’t Have To
28. Ten Things That Are Better Than Doing the Dishes
29. Test your popularity.
30. That Thing I Shared on Facebook that Maybe I Shouldn’t Have
Entertaining Presentation Topics
1. How to Fail a Driver’s Test
2. How to Fall In Love in 308 Easy Steps
3. How to Freak out Your Roommate
4. How to Get a Toddler to Go the Sleep in 383 Easy Steps
5. How to Get Fired
6. How to impress a woman.
7. How to Live in Your Mom’s Basement
8. How to Lose Your Mind in 10 Days
9. How to Make Sure He Doesn’t Call
10. How to Make the Worst of a Best Situation
11. How to Panic
12. How to photograph a puppy.
13. How to play the singing saw.
14. How to Pretend to Be Interested
15. How To Pretend to Have It All
16. How to Ruin a Date
17. How to Ruin a Marriage: My Trip to Ikea
18. How to sing the blues from the heart.
19. How to slowly drive your girlfriend crazy.
20. How to Stay a Bachelor
21. How To Survive Your Brother’s Wedding
22. How to Trick Your Dog into Going to the Vet
23. How to Win at Life
24. I am new in this place, entertain me!
25. I Love to Say I Told You So
26. If I Had A Million Dollars
27. If I Were Invisible
28. Insults from famous people.
29. Internet advertising.
30. IQ tests revealed.
31. The art of kissing.
32. The Best Dad Jokes of All Time
33. The Best Thing about Being Me
34. The Best Thing I Ever Ate
35. The Case for Bubble Baths
36. The concept of human cloning.
37. The Coolest Thing I’ve Ever Seen
38. The early life of Julius Caesar
Best Entertaining Speech Topics
1. Japan tsunami in 2011 and its effects.
2. Lawyers and the truth.
3. Leaping Before You Look
4. Learning foreign languages and its advantages.
5. Lies I Told Myself
6. Things your mom would never say.
7. Times When Ice Cream is Appropriate
8. Titanic.
9. Ways to Take the Worst Passport Picture Possible
10. What I Learned from High School
11. What is artificial intelligence.
12. What Not to Do On a Blind Date
13. What to do when you are bored on a lazy Sunday.
14. What would I do if I had a million dollars?
15. What Your Dog Really Thinks about You
16. When I Knew I Wasn’t a Kid Anymore
17. When to Do the Grand Gesture
18. When To Give Up
19. Where Do All the Missing Socks Go?
20. Why Are Horses the Only Animal We Ride?
21. Why Did the Chicken Actually Cross the Road
22. Why does Halloween Have to Be the Only Holiday We Wear Costumes For?
23. Why Hipsters Are the Worst
24. Why I Can’t Even
25. Why I Don’t Bother Keeping Up with the Joneses
26. Why I Love You Anyway
27. Why I Make My Bed Every Morning
28. Why I Make the Best Pancakes
29. Why I Sleep with Five Pillows
30. Why I Still Use a Nightlight
31. Why Nothing Rhymes with Orange
32. Why Pineapple Is Not a Pizza Topping
33. Why Santa Claus is a woman.
34. Why we don’t win the lottery.
35. Worst Twitter Mistakes
36. That Time I Got Arrested
37. That Time I Sent the Email to the Wrong Person
38. That Time I Shot Milk Out of My Nose
39. That Time I Was a Hypochondriac
40. The arguments for and against nuclear energy.
Entertainment Speech Examples
Below is a sample of Entertainment Speech during a commencement day
Example of Entertainment Speech from a Graduation Day
“Good afternoon! To be frank, I’ve spent the last few weeks looking over graduation day speeches on every place that I though of. The most distinguished ones had several things in common. They reflected on the past and deliberated about the future. They encouraged the honorees, included some sort of personal story and application. Somehow they made people laugh at least fifteen times. Often they referred to the university as the finest university in the nation or world, and last but not least they all welcomed the people in attendance. Interesting to say I will begin by doing the exact same thing.
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President Mark, thank you for attending this commencement day. Faculty members and staff, greetings to you all. Distinguished guests, we are happy to see you. Family members and friends, we could not be here without your support. Lastly, ladies and gentlemen of the class of 2016, welcome to your commencement day here at Colombia University, the best university in the galaxy, universe, and milky way galaxy.
Graduates, we are not here to watch as our brothers or sister walk across this stage. We are actually here for the reason that today is our graduation day. I am going to go off on a tangent for a little bit. Over the past five years, I have seen my share of graduation ceremonies. To be exact, I remember getting pulled along to 8000 graduations ceremonies for my older brothers and sisters, all 8,000 of them – at least it seems like there were more than that. On a serious note, I have more relatives than friends.
I recall sitting here in these very chairs, closely paying attention to the president and other distinguished guests. Often I would hear welcome again and thank you for coming. Every year, I got better at remaining awake through the whole ceremony. Each time I would come up with something weird to keep myself awake. Often I would daydream, pinch my arms, or clean my nose. Be assured I was creative in this.
I am proud to say that today I will be awake for the entire ceremony. This is my day; how can I doze off. I would like to thank in advance my classmates and colleagues sitting around me for slapping me every time I even try to close my eyes. Winking for long will be an error
Graduates, don’t sleep through life. If you need a friend or colleague to keep you wide-awake, ask. Don’t get tired of life. In the words of one of my mentors, “Do one thing every day that scares you”. Keep yourself on your toes. Stay busy but leave room for recreation; embrace your hobbies. Don’t get stuck in a job you dislike. The way we live is about to change dramatically. We are living in exponential moments. It’s a decent thing that we are exponential people.
We are at a passage point here. Each of us is graduating; we are preparing to depart from this place we have called home for the last few years. It’s time to go forward and flourish. Let us depart with happy memories. We have been privileged enough to see more change in our time here than most alumni did.
Honorees, in the words of Michael Scott, only slightly altered, “They have no idea how high we can fly”. Right now you are surrounded by future legislators, film producers, directors, church workers, artists, teachers, musicians, and many professionals who will change the world. We are together right here and we have one thing in common, we are one graduating class.
In one of President Barack Obama’s speeches, he once said, “Generations of Americans have connected their stories to the larger American story through service and helped move our country forward. We need that service now”. He is right. America needs unselfish acts of service.
Let us not leave this place as opponents but rather as friends and cohorts. I hope next fall we shall meet for our first reunion. Let us go and make disciples of hope, love, and success. By God’s grace, we will go far and wide to reach out to those who are calling for us. Thank you all”

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.