Interesting Funny Informative Speech Topics: When you include humor in your public speeches, it becomes more fun. A humorous speech goes a long way in convincing your audience to agree with your points.
If you are searching for interesting funny informative speech topics, then you are on the right page.
Below is a list of funny informative speech topics
Interesting Funny Informative Speech Topics
1. A snoring partner costs you a few years of sleep in a lifetime.
2. A time when you were glad you were you
3. A true story that ain’t be true in the end …
4. Absurd and laughable job applicant stories.
5. Answers on the meaning of life.
6. As a kid, I thought I knew it all. Boy, was I wrong
7. Bare funny facts about men.
8. Behaving requirements in a chique restaurant when having a dinner with your parents.
9. Being rude is the only way to get off telemarketers.
Find: Informative Speeches Examples
10. Being the oldest/youngest sibling
11. Best pranks to use on your spouse
12. Card games that hardly require any skill
13. Chasing idle dreams is a good habit.
14. Clean jokes that are safe for the whole family.
15. Cliches, figures and any text to speech that should be banned.
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16. Criteria for a childproof X-mas tree.
17. Decorating your college apartment with a low budget according to the latest furniture fashion trends.
18. Demonstrate tasting wine in a waggish way.
19. Do’s and don’ts when visiting a new mother and her little newborn crying out loud baby.
20. Does anyone ever clean public restrooms?
21. Eating flowers is possible.
22. How to be the perfect gentleman or lady.
23. How to become a rat and make a fortune.
24. How to boil water
25. How to catch a cold
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26. How to cheat poker the nice way.
27. How to confuse a telemarketer
28. If video game characters were real
29. If women had mute buttons
30. If you ruled the world
31. If you want to know the truth about yourself, have a kid
32. Women marry much younger men.
33. Women want bright-colored, funny and worthless goodies as a gift.
34. Words that are hard to say when you’re drunk.
35. Words that are hard to say while drunk
36. Your guides to life are angels.
37. 10 things you better not say in court.
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Fun Informative Speech Topics
1. Eating things you don’t like
2. Effective optical cleaning methods for your home shortly before your parents arrive.
3. Extreme golf courses around the world.
4. Fear of 12th grade
5. Five ways to keep going a boring conversation at a cocktail party.
6. For her / him who doesn’t have to do it, nothing is impossible.
7. Fun houseplants in your home.
8. Fun things to do on the first day of class or the last day of the high school season.
9. Fun with super glue
10. Funny computer terms and phrases.
11. Funny facts about women.
12. Funny first date experiences.
13. Funny holidays in other countries.
14. Funny names, name meaning
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15. Funny things kids say that adults couldn’t get away with saying
16. Getting water from a rock
17. Gift wrapping tips for men.
18. Happy puppies make humans happy.
19. Helpful pinball strategies.
20. Hidden subliminal messages in songs.
21. How foreigners must sound when speaking to natives in their language
22. How I choose friends far away and maintain those relationships.
23. How incompetent people manage to make it through the day
24. How not to get a date.
25. How one dog had 101 Dalmatian puppies
26. How to act like you are an earth-friendly person.
27. How to attract hundreds of birds in record time.
28. How to be a charming host at any event.
29. How to be lazy like a pro
30. How to be remembered in high school
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Informative Speech Topics Fun
1. How to decorate a really weird Thanksgiving table.
2. How to deny reality.
3. How to design your own personal placemat.
4. How to determine you are addicted to the Internet.
5. How to discover who send you a Valentine card.
6. How to drive the baby-sitter crazy in one hour.
7. How to drive unwanted visitors crazy by painting a psychedelic wall mural.
8. How to feed your dog your homework
9. How to find the penny your baby just swallowed
10. How to get fired in less than 24 hours
11. How to give your dog or cat a pill.
12. How to handle well-meaning people you do not like and try to avoid by all means.
13. How to looks smarter than you are
14. How to make fun every day in life.
15. How to make lemonade out of lemons (figuratively)
16. How to make pictures of a new puppy.
17. How to prepare fancy meals using only frozen dinners
18. How to pretend to be a good international exchange student.
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19. How to pull off taking a “sick day” after your sports team loses miserably
20. How to reach your goals with humor.
21. How to throw a paper airplane in class.
22. How to train a cat, or dog or other pet to show fun tricks.
23. How to train your cat to be like a dog
24. Humorous names you can laugh about.
25. I am not anti-social, I am just selectively social.
26. If I ever met Will Ferrell
27. If I was my boss, then …
28. If men had a menstrual cycle
29. If men were more emotional than women
30. If our children had to deal with the computers we had back in the day…
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Informative Speech Topics Funny
1. Imagine your life as a grandpa / grandma
2. Inappropriate Christmas gifts.
3. It was an unusual friendship
4. Kids should get more pocket money.
5. Let others pay your holiday trips with the perfect collect call strategy.
6. Moving Christmas lights that drive your neighbours crazy.
7. My fantasy jokes and humor multiplier x factor
8. My guiltiest pleasures revealed
9. My most profitable mistake.
10. My motto: I’m flexible by indecision.
11. My thoughts about Napoleon Dynamite
12. My worst road rage stories
13. New York City driving rules explained.
14. Odd shaped ice cubes in a snap in the coller fridge at home.
15. Optical illusions in art, also called trompe-loeil.
16. People with mediocre talents have success and high talented people haven’t.
17. Personal bloopers are great funny topics for a speech.
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18. PMS: Because men have it too
19. Rare speed limits and the reasons why.
20. Reveal the real names of celebrities.
21. Review the challenge to find mentally strange funny speech topics in 24 hours.
22. Rules men wish women knew.
23. Short girl problems.
24. Sleeping a night in the backyard with a friend.
25. So, what do people really think when they see your 1,001 selfies?
Funny Topics for Informative Speeches
1. Strange New Year resolutions.
2. Surefire ways to get out of a speeding ticket
3. Ten fun things to do during exams.
4. Ten things you’ve learned from your pet.
5. Ten ways to annoy your parents
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6. The 3 biggest lies on the work floor.
7. The advantages of being a man
8. The advantages of being a woman
9. The advantages women think of being a man.
10, The art of pretending to listen when your spouse is talking
11. The best and only way to make your kids leave you alone
12. The best cures for a hangover
13. The cool way to clean up doggy doo-doo
14. The difference between Taylor Swift and Kanye West
15. The dumb things my cat/dog/pet does almost daily
16. The dumbest thing I ever did while drunk
17. The dumbest thing I’ve ever done
18. The dumbest things American criminals have done
19. The funniest amusement parks you have been in your life.
20. The male brain vs. the female brain
21. The meaning behind some nursery rhymes
22. The most embarrassing thing I ever wore
23. The newest slang terms and what they really mean
24. The story of the perfect husband.
25. The ten commandments in a restaurant boys and girls room.
26. 10 ways to freak out your roommate with special dorm room supplies.
27. 10 ways to irritate a telemarketer.
28. 10 ways to order pizzas and make the Italian food restaurant owner crazy.
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Fun Topics for Informative Speech
1. The things women go through just to look pretty
2. The truth about bromance
3. The ugliest fashions of today
4. The unusual and abnormal working of Murphy’s Law – if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong.
5. The weirdest names celebrity parents have given their children
6. The worst holiday ever
7. The worst nicknames you’ve been given
8. Things no one really knows how to do/say
9. Things only people that wear glasses can relate to.
10. Things to do in a traffic jam.
11. Things you shouldn’t say while on a date
12. Three fun games to play at beach without a ball.
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13. Three ways to write the best gift card for birthday parties.
14. Time capsules you like to find.
15. Tips for choosing a practical lunch box, and above all a cool one.
16. Tips to take toll high ways or bridges without paying a penny.
17. Top 5 bad business slogans.
18. Top 5 most stupid questions and answers.
19. Topics that aren’t meant to be discussed in public
20. Tricks to remember names when you forget them all the time.
21.Unexpected disasters that can happen.
22. Unique nativity scene figures.
23. Unusual incidents.
24.Urban running acrobatics.
25. Ways to live on the cheap spending as little money as you can.
26. Why people look like their dogs.
27. Why women say they hate sports.
28. Why you should never call the number on the bathroom stall
29. Why you shouldn’t give marriage advice or marriage counseling tips.
30. Wine / beer / cocktail of the month.
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Fun Topics for an Informative Speech
1. Ways to remember birthdays on the presents you got.
2. Ways to re-use stickers that are not sticky anymore.
3. What are the signs you have had enough to drink.
4. What do I have to do to receive free chicken?
5. What dreams mean.
6. What I like to invent for mankind.
7. What men really think about women
8. What my dog would tell me if he could talk
9. What not to say on a first date.
10. What teachers do when they’re not teaching
11. What the popular kids are like 15 years after graduation
12. What to do if you burn the turkey at Thanksgiving
13. What to do if you’re being hit on by a complete weirdo
14. What to do if your blind date is a horrible failure
15. What to do on a desert island.
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16. What to write in a message in a bottle if you’re trapped on an island.
17. What we can learn from animals when they are looking for food.
18. What women really say when they talk to men.
19. What women really think about men
20. When baby is left with dad all day…
21. When I resign, I will …
22. Where did swear words come from?
23. Why babies act very similar to drunk adults
24. Why did the duck cross the road?
25. Why Donald Trump doesn’t invest more money into his hair
26. Why I could never be a doctor
27. Why I don’t want to be a millionaire.
28. Why kids are lucky they are cute
29. Why men are proud of themselves.
30. Why men are so terrible at wrapping gifts
31. Why my – any funny speech topics – looks cooler than the… of my neighbour.
32. Why nerds rule our society and not creative artists.
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Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.