Fun Topics for Presentations: You can have a lot of fun when doing public speaking especially when humor is added. The use of humor on your presentations can go a long way in making the audience agree with your points.
Find funny topics for Presentations. These topics can be modified to fit into your own context.
Fun Topics for Presentations
1. A human is no king of nature: ten reasons to throw people off the throne
2. Are sport and intelligence in reverse proportion to one another?
3. Busting myths of bad habits: picking the nose with an easy conscience
4. Going extreme: most hilarious sports ever
5. Greatest misconceptions in the world and what they led to
6. The world’s most unbelievable record breakers
7. How to become obese in a matter of no time: unhealthy food
8. How to fail a good deal: the ultimate way to do it all wrong
9. Laziness vs. enthusiasm: reasons people don’t take up sports
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10. The difficulties and problems of being a millionaire: poor fortunate souls
11. The most efficient ways to escape from reality: reading, role-playing, and chatting online
12. The most hilarious things sportscasters have ever said
13. The power of the human brain: telepathy, levitation, and math
14. The unbelievable history of the world’s greatest corporations
15. The wonders of genetic science: it’s chemistry that does the mix
16. Unusual ways of making a business: a fun way to succeed
17. Why people lie: no more pants on fire
18. Workplace yoga: do not let routine bring you down
19. World’s unexplainable phenomena: open your eyes
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20. A summary of Star Wars – it’s not as confusing as you think
21. Ancient remedies we still use
22. Artificial intelligence: another step to the world’s end?
23. Becoming a dream employee: impressing your prospective employer at first sight
24. Best and worst adverts of the year
25. Best and worst reasons to skip your school classes
26. Funny reasons why raccoons shouldn’t be kept as pets
27. Funny ways of decorating your Christmas tree
28. Global attractions you must see before you die
29. Guilty pleasures: why we love and hate popular love songs?
30. Healthy foods no one likes that are good for you
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Fun Presentation Topics
1. Best habits to get if you want to live longer
2. Best ways to sneak snacks into a movie
3. Beware of the snake: how venom affects a human body
4. Bizarre conspiracy theories about famous artists
5. Bizarre sports you didn’t know existed until now
6. Butterflies, cats, and skulls: the real meaning behind common tattoos
7. Can sports make you smarter? The science behind sports
8. Choosing your BFF: qualities that make a perfect friend
9. Choosing your school subjects without pressure: study what you like.
10. Craziest business ideas of 2017
11. Craziest medical treatments in history: from dead mice to urine therapy
12. Creative people: the drivers of change or a burden for the society?
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13. Creative ways of cooking the turkey – perfect for the holiday season
14. Do we really need this? The most useless body parts
15. Do you need a goal in life to be happy?
16. Fat and fabulous: things to learn from your cat
17. Fear of trees and other bizarre phobias you never knew were real
18. Five weird medical facts that no one can explain
19. Fun ideas for addressing school bullying and building a positive learning environment
20. Funniest conspiracy theories and why they sound so real
21. Funniest stage fails of all time – and how they were handled
22. Funniest start-up ideas that will bring you money
23. Funny Christmas traditions from all over the world
24. Funny facts about famous composers and musicians
25. Funny incidents at the Olympics: from 1980 until now
26. Home Alone: what do people look for in a perfect Christmas movie?
27. How Apple changed the global marketing game
28. How can procrastination be good for you?
29. How successful songs are made and why are they so catchy
30. How to clean your room once and for all
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Fun Topics to Do a Presentation On
1. Political correctness: have we gone too far?
2. Procrastination for creative people: what to do when you’re tired of doing nothing
3. Reasons people like conspiracy theories so much
4. Reasons teachers shouldn’t give homework for Christmas holidays
5. Reasons why people find offensive jokes funny
6. Reasons why you and your parents should never be friends on Facebook
7. Reasons why you shouldn’t eat flowers
8. Scientific reasons to shorten school week and extend holidays
9. Stay-at-home students: is distance learning the future of education?
10. Surprising facts about the history of medicine
11. Surviving college: how to mildly annoy your roommate
12. Surviving the detention: creative activities that could help you pass the time while studying
13. Tallest basketball players of all times
14. Tallest buildings in the world: a ranking
15. Taylor Swift or Nicki Minaj: who is a better role model for kids?
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16. The advertisement has gone wrong: top worst slogans of all time
17. The dangers of family dinners and how to avoid them
18. The hidden danger of school sports: beware of the ball!
19. The history of tattoo art: from Ancient times till now
20. The most common cognitive biases that affect how we think
21. The most likely ending to Game of Thrones
22. The New Year’s day in different countries
23. The pros and cons of Hogwarts’ housing system
24. The secret power of e-sports: what can video games teach us?
25. The unknown talents of Barack Obama
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Funny Topics for Presentations
1. Top undeserved Grammy awards of all time
2. Uncovering the science behind hit songs: is there a scientific way to make a good song
3. Useful tips for saving money in college
4. Useless things everyone has at their house
5. Vegetarians live longer – and other myths designed to lure you into a healthy lifestyle
6. Video games that made our childhood better
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7. Ways creative workers can benefit the business
8. Ways to surprise your employer in an interview
9. We only use 10% of our brain power: myth or reality?
10. Weirdest historical events no one can explain yet
11. Weirdest things people like to eat – from fried cockroaches to bull testicles
12. What did the first schools in history look like?
13. What if men wore the same uniform as women in professional sports
14. What not to do if you have a cold
15. What the first Olympic Games probably looked like
16. What will future music industry look like?
17. What will humans look like in the future?
19. What would happen to our bodies if we lived on Mars?
20. What would school life be like if lessons were taught at night?
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21. What would the world look like if I ruled it?
22. Where do stereotypes come from? A socio-historical investigation
23. Why all pop songs sound the same
24. Why companies should seek to hire more lazy people
25. Why did Pokemon GO become so popular?
26. Why do hiccups occur and how to stop them
27. Why do rock stars break their guitars on stage?
28. Why dogs are human’s best friends – not cats
29. Why is America the only country that is crazy about baseball?
30. Why people and their dogs often look alike
31. Why some people just can’t do math?
32. Why we should have school parties every week
33. Why young girls shouldn’t be allowed to watch Disney movies
34. Worst presents to give to your sibling
35. Worst tips for promoting your products online
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Fun Presentation Ideas
1. Things to do at a party to seem cool
2. Things to take with you if you’re left on a desert island
3. Things we like about TV shows that we don’t get in movies
4. Things you probably should say on your first date
5. Things you really shouldn’t say in public
6. Things you really shouldn’t say on your first date
7. Things you shouldn’t say in your motivation letter
8. Time-management tools for dummies or how to meet all your deadlines this term
9. Tiny things to be happy about that happen to us every day
10. Tips on making the best Valentine’s day card ever
11. Tired of counting sheep before falling asleep? Try counting llamas instead!
12. Top craziest amusement park rides in the world
13. How to know if your pet is plotting a conspiracy against you – signs you should lock your bedroom door at night
14. How to make a perfect birthday cake for your mom
15. How to make a perfect paper airplane in class
16. How to talk to people you don’t like
17. How to tell if your friends don’t like your sense of humor
18. How to trick customers: clever marketing hacks
19. How would foreign people react to our stereotypes about their countries?
20. I’m too old for that, and other excuses people make to avoid sports
21. If Ancient Greek religion was based on myth, can we say that Christianity is, too?
22. If Facebook ads are so annoying, why do companies use them? Benefits of targeted ads
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23. Inspiring success stories from millionaires – what does it take to become one?
24. Is drinking really a bad habit? How alcohol affects your body – in a right way
25. Millionaires’ morning habits: tips for beginning your day successfully.
26. Most expensive buildings in America
27. Most famous fails in baseball
28. My favorite American Idol and X-Factor stars
29. Off-duty: what teachers do when they are not teaching
30. You are what you eat: weirdest things found in patients’ bodies
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Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.