Free 2021 KCPE Math Past Papers with Answers

Free 2021 KCPE Math Past Papers with Answers: Are you looking for 2021 KCPE Math past papers? Below we have the past papers for the KCPE exams that were done in March 2022.

To make it easy for revision we have also provided the answers that have been provided by Kenya National Exams Council (KNEC marking Scheme)

You can share the paper or you can refer someone to the site for a simple download of the KCPE 2021 Math past papers.

The 2021 performance on the Math paper was not good; most students scored poor marks, so the results were standardized.

2021 KCPE Math Past Papers with Answers

Some of the questions came from the following topics

  • Place value
  • Fractions
  • Sequential numbers
  • Area
  • Volume
  • Angels
  • Ration

2021 KCPE Math Past Papers with Answers

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Download KCPE 2021 Maths answers:

Free 2021 KCPE Math Marking Scheme                                                                                               

2021 KCPE Math Answers                                                                                                                                       

1              C             11           D             21           B             31           A             41           A

2              A             12           C             22           B             32           B             42           A

3              D             13           A             23           D             33           B             43           D

4              B             14           D             24           A             34           D             44           B

5              C             15           C             25           C             35           D             45           D

6              C             16           A             26           B             36           B             46           D

7              A             17           C             27           B             37           B             47           A

8              D             18           D             28           C             38           C             48           A

9              B             19           C             29           C             39           C             49           B

10           C             20           C             30           A             40           D             50           C


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