Format of an Academic Essay: What is the format of an academic essay? Are you a university or high school student and do you want to have a clear essay writing guide? Below we have looked at how you can write a good essay including the format and examples of essays.
What Is an Essay?
An essay is a brief or short piece of writing on a particular subject. An academic essay is an organized form of writing that students in schools, colleges, and universities compose to explain or express their understanding of a precise matter.
Features of A Good Essay
- Should be Short i.e. is 250 to 500 words.
- A good essay topic should be specified on a certain topic i.e. the topic should not be broad
- It should be well-structured following the proper format.
- A good essay should be clear and to the point
- To stand out from others an essay should express the writer’s understanding of the essay topic.
- Most importantly an essay must have supporting facts and examples
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Format of an Academic Essay
Below is an academic essay format that will help you know what is the format of an academic essay?
The commonly used format for most essays is as follows
The Introduction
The main goal of the introduction is to present the topic and to reveal the essay’s main message (i.e. the
thesis statement).
The Main Body
paragraphs’ primary tasks are to defend the thesis with 3 sub arguments—1 per paragraph.
The Conclusion
is there to wrap up the entire argument and to leave a lasting impression in the form of an overall concluding statement.
Academic Essay Format
The introduction is a short statement with the thesis
Statement i.e. the main message of the author
The introduction should introduce the topic from
general to specific statements. It should be brief but summarizes
the all main ideas.
The body has four to five paragraphs. Each paragraph is a building
block for a specific argument. It is in the main body where you
1. Answer the questions in the discussion.
2. Outlining the knowledge and understanding of the topic.
3. Provide evidence to support the argument.
4. Use relevant examples and important quotes.
In contrast, to the introduction an essay conclusion
Moves from specific to general ideas
In this section, you restate your answer to the topic and summarize
the main points. No new ideas should be introduced in the sections
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Academic Essay Format Example
Effects of Interacting with Technology Daily
In the beginning, technology was purely developed to make things easy for human beings. However, Technology has highly changed over time, and without any intention, it has caused several hazards to both humans and plants. Currently, almost every household has a type of machine at hand, be it computers, tablets, cars, or even dishwashing machines. Although machinery was invented to benefit mankind, it has also brought along many faults to match.
Firstly, with technological equipment such as computers, disruption most often arises between the person using the computer, and the household he or she is surrounded by or living with. For example, family traditions and times such as eating together at the dining table rarely take place. As a result, family values and morals have been altered to adapt to this technological age.
Secondly, advanced technology is also causing hazards to our environment. For instance, old vehicles emit polluted gas into the environment. Additionally, the disposal of obsolete machines is causing a major headache to most environmentalists. You often find yards full of old vehicles and machines that are no longer in use. Some machines also produce harmful rays that may be hazardous to humans. The current change in climatic conditions and global warming can be based on increased pollution that has come with technological advancement.
Thirdly, some technological devices have led to diseases that were rare 50 years ago. As mentioned in the introduction, technology was never programmed to damage nature. Regardless of this, we have witnessed an increase in diseases like cancer, eye problems, and even obesity that often come with the continuous use of some machines.
Fourthly, interacting with technology daily has led to increased societal vices. The increased acceptance and accessibility of the internet has seen the development of social media platforms. Although these platforms have been useful, there are instances when they have been wrongly used to propagate wrong propaganda, fake news, spread pornography material, and promote child exploitation.
Although there are advantages that technology has brought to us, it is clear that possessing technological devices has some negative effects. If the right measures are applied, some of these effects can be reduced.
Types of Academic Essays
Narrative Essay
A narrative essay is a type of essay that requires the author to have a central point or theme where the narrative will dwell. This type of essay needs students to establish their creative abilities. A narrative essay is comparable to a simple five-paragraph essay since it has the same format. In addition to the single format, it is also narrative, having characters, dialogues, and incidents. They’re typically written from a first-person perspective and draw on moments and experiences from the life of the writer.
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Examples of Narrative Essay
Below is an extract about “My first job”
“I landed an accounting job at Brighton big, it was my first day on the job. I was sitting in my seemingly comfortable chair, overlooking the busy town, and breathing heavily not believing I landed such a position. This was a college mate’s dream job, to prepare the financial books for one of the leading organizations in the country.
When my supervisor introduced me to my job mate, I admired everything about them. From their attire, courtesy, and smiles. Speaking to them gave me three ideas about my life: working hard, making lots of money, and having vacations in the most exquisite places”
Descriptive Essay
A descriptive essay is the easiest type of academic writing. It is an essay that describes an object, person, process, or event. Its purpose is to offer facts or information. A good example would be a summary of an article or a report of the results of an experiment.
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Example of Descriptive Essay
Below is a portion of a descriptive essay about apes.
Apes are native animals found majorly in Africa and Southeast Asia. They are well-known among other primates for the wider degree of motion they have. Apes do not have tails, additionally, great apes are much more intellectual than monkeys and gibbons. Great apes, for instance, can identify themselves in mirrors. They can also reason conceptually, learn quasi-linguistic communication, as well as the ability to learn simple tool making while in captivity.
Expository Essay
In simple terms, these types of essays are referred to as the how-to or process essay. An expository essay requires the writer to give valid evidence for all the information provided in the essay. Further, it obliges the student to examine an idea, evaluate evidence, explain the idea, and set forth an argument regarding that idea perfectly and concisely. An expository paper leaves no room for personal opinions or views on a subject. The writer’s main goal is to notify and educate the reader through clear logic and facts.
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Persuasive Essay
Persuasive Essays are also known as the argument essay. The writer of this type of academic essay uses logic and reason to display that one idea is more valid than another. It tries to persuade a reader to accept a certain point of view or action. The argument must constantly use sound perceptive and solid evidence by stating pieces of evidence, giving logical reasons, using illustrations, and citing experts

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.