Extra County Secondary Schools in Embu County

Extra County Secondary Schools in Embu County: Some of the top schools in Embu county include schools like Kangaru Schools and Siakago Boys. If your child has got an admission letter at one of these best schools in Embu county you can be assured they are in some of the best secondary schools in Embu county.

Extra County Secondary Schools in Embu County

School Name                                                                          Cluster

Kangaru School.                                                                         C1

Kangaru Girls School.                                                           C1

St Paul’s High School Kevote.                                              C1

St Teresa’s Girls’ – Kithimu.                                                   C1

Siakago Boys High School.                                                    C1

Nguviu Boys High School.                                                      C1

Nguviu Girls Secondary School.                                       C1

Catherine Nthagaiya Girls Secondary School.                 C1

Kyeni Girls’ High School.                                                        C1

Mayori Secondary School.                                                    C1

Nyangwa Boys’ High School .                                               C1

King David Boys High School, Kamama.                         C1

Kiriari Girls High School.                                                        C1


Kavutiri Boys Secondary School.                                      C2

Gangara Secondary School .                                               C2

Kiambere School Complex.                                                     C2

Kanyuambora Secondary  School.                                   C2

Kegonge Boys High School.                                                   C2


Marys Kiangima Secondary School.                                 C3

Joseph Allamano – Wachoro Secondary.                    C3

Mariari Girls Secondary School .                                     C3

St Agnes Kiaganari Girls Secondary School.             C3

Kirimari Secondary School.                                              C3

Best Secondary Schools in Embu County

The good performance of the below schools has previously indicated that some of the best secondary schools in Kenya are located in Embu. Below is a list of the top school in Embu.

Moi Mbiruri Boys.

Siakago Girls Secondary School.

Kangaru School.

St. Marys Kiangima Secondary School.

Kangaru Girls School.

Kirimari Secondary School.

St Paul’s High School Kevote.

St.Joseph’s Secondary School-Mtetu.

St Teresa’s Girls’ – Kithimu.

Siakago Boys High School.

Gangara Secondary School.

Kiambere School Complex.

Kanyuambora Secondary School.

Find: List of All Extra County Schools in Kenya

National Schools in Embu County

Two of the best national schools in Kenya are found in Embu and they are:

Moi Mbiruri Boys.

Siakago Girls Secondary School.

Find: County Secondary Schools in Embu County