Find Entrepreneurship and Communication Revision Questions below.
Question 1
(a) Who is an entrepreneur? (2 Marks)
(b) In what ways can an entrepreneur attain his objective of being self employed?
(10 Marks)
(c) What traits should an entrepreneur possess to make it in his business? (8 Marks)
Question 2
(a) What are the challenges inherent in running a business? (12Marks)
(b) How can an entrepreneur contribute to the social welfare of the community in which his business operates? (8 Marks)
Question 3
(a) Identify 6 guidelines the entrepreneur can use in choosing a business opportunity
(12 Marks)
(b) What would drive an entrepreneur towards using his own idea to establish his business as opposed to buying a business opportunity or a franchise? (8 Marks)
Question 4
(a) What is networking and how is it vital in today’s economy? (4 Marks)
(b) What are the motivations to networking? (8 Marks)
(c) Identify the various types of networking (8 Marks
Question 5
a) Define the term “Business Plan” (3 Marks)
b) Describe the various components of a business plan (12 Marks)
Question 6
a) Whose responsibility is it to prepare the business plan? Why is this so important? (5 Marks)
b) Clearly explain 5 benefits that an entrepreneur stands to gain from a well prepared business
plan. (10 Marks)
Question 7
Clearly elaborate what role the Government can play to resuscitate the declining state of enterprise development in the economy (20 Marks)
Question 8
Patty Makau has won Kshs. 600,000 in the charity sweepstake. He has decided to open a hotel at the city center selling fast foods. Advice John on the various forms of business ownership and the factors he should bear in mind in choosing which form would be appropriate for his business (20 Marks)
Question 9
(a) What advice would you give to a colleague who has been requested to make a short
presentation to the board of directors on application of an innovative management
Your advice, in form of a checklist should include how to prepare and deliver a
presentation. (10 marks)
(b) T he success of a meeting depends on the enthusiasm, creativity, commitment and active
participation of each person attending a meeting. Explain the role of a participant:
(i) Before the meeting
(ii) During the meeting (10 marks)
Question 10
a) What do you understand by the term ‘Motivational theories of entrepreneurship?
(5 Marks)
b) Proponents of various schools of thought on the motivational theory of entrepreneurship have come up with various arguments to explain why an entrepreneur would go into business. Clearly explain the various schools of thought as you understand them. (15 Marks)
Question 11
a) What Social Responsibility is as applied in entrepreneurship? (3 Marks)
To whom does the entrepreneur owe a duty of obligation in meeting the ends of his business?
(9 Marks)
b) What process should the organization follow in enforcing a code of ethics in the work
environment? (8 Marks)
Question 12
Describe how the entrepreneur can utilize the following emerging trends to increase the scale of operations for his business.
(a) E – Commerce (5 Marks)
(b) Business Outsourcing (5 Marks)
(c) Globalization (5 Marks)
(d) Trade Fairs (5 Marks
Question 13
(a) In relation to electronic communication, what are the advantages of a website to an
organization and its customers? (8 marks)
(b) What are the advantages of using Internet for communication? (5 marks)
(c) Identify five problems that may arise from the use of the Internet. (5 marks)
(e) List and briefly explain the items required to access the Internet. (2 marks)
(a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using e-mail over telephone or the postal
system? (7 Marks)
(b) Differentiate between a Corporate Strategy and an IT strategy (4 Marks)
(c) Why is it important for management to align the IT strategy to the Corporate Strategy?
(4 Marks)
Question 15
Clearly elaborate on what role the Government can play to resuscitate the declining state of
Enterprise development in the economy (20 Marks)
Question 16
John Kamau has won Kshs. 500,000 in the charity sweepstake. He has decided to open a hotel
at the city center selling fast foods. Advice John on the various forms of business ownership
and the factors he should bear in mind in choosing which form would be appropriate for his
business (20 Marks)
Question 17
(a) Define the following terms;
i) Communication Channel (2 Marks)
ii) Sender (2 Marks)
iii) Receiver (2 Marks)
iv) Encoding (2 Marks)
(b) Using a diagram explain what the communication model is, clearly identifying the components that make up the model. (12 Marks)
Question 18
(a) What are barriers to effective communication? (5 Marks)
(b) What is meant by the term ‘effective listening? Describe how this skill may be acquired and
developed. (10 Marks)
(c) Clearly explain 5 essential communication skills the entrepreneur should strive to acquire
(10 Marks)

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.