Debate Motions for Secondary Schools in Kenya: Looking for interesting debate motions? We have come up with secondary school debate topics that will lead to a thought-triggering debate motion.
Debate Motions for Secondary Schools in Kenya
1. Can high profitability alone justify environmentally hazardous practices caused by Kenyan companies?
2. Can people save nature using technology (or destroy it)?
3. Can the government ensure the financial stability of every Kenyan?
4. Should babies be allowed to eat junk food?
5. Children should not watch television on school nights.
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6. Children under 14 should not be allowed on Facebook.
7. Choosing the best pizza topping: healthy versus tasty.
8. Communication between the sexes: women are better communicators?
9. Corporal punishment should be allowed in schools.
10. Daydreaming versus dreaming at night: which is better?
Read: New Kenya Secondary School Subjects Grouping
11. Democracy is the best form of government.
12. Do fairy tales affect children’s perception of reality?
13. Do laws effectively keep up with changes in technology?
14. Universal healthcare should be one of government prioritized projects?
15. Social media should be banned.
16. Does peer pressure absolve delinquent teens from culpability?
17. Does social media contribute to teenage suicide?
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18. Does technology distort human communication?
Debate Motions for Secondary Schools
1. Does technology promote our health?
2. Does the contemporary grading system work?
3. Does the contemporary policing of marginalized communities in the Kenya reduce the income inequality?
4. Does the credit industry promote or hinder economic development?
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5. Does the traditional classroom address contemporary society’s needs?
6. Drug addicts: Do they need help or punishment?
7. College education is the key to future success.
8. Phones should be allowed in schools
9. Every home should have a pet.
10. Every home should have a robot.
11. Every student should play a musical instrument.
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12. Fast food should not be served in schools.
13. Former offenders should preserve their voting rights.
14. From a historical perspective, are women smarter than men?
15. Gay couples are adopting children: Should they?
16. Quality life or longer life expectancy: Which one is better?
17. Grades should be abolished.
18. Has globalization and our increased mobility changed the way we view vacations?
17. Has social media taken over our leisure time?
18. Spending leisure time playing video game is better that physically engaging games
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Secondary School Debate
1. History is an important subject that all students should learn: yes or no?.
2. Homework should be banned.
3. Zoos should be abolished.
4. Will humans colonize another planet soon?
5. Could the second world war have been avoided?
6. Should the voting age be lowered?
7. Is torture justified for terrorist attackers?
8. Should boarding secondary school students be allowed wear home clothes during the weekends?
9. Should teenagers get access to family planning methods?
10. Single-sex schools are better for education.
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High School Debate Motions
11. Should the Supreme Court judges be appointed for predetermined fixed periods?
12. Should college education be made mandatory?
13. Is parental monitoring the same as parental control?
14. Should gay movements be allowed in the country?
15. Should the salary for members of parliament be reduced?
16. Should the positions of Deputy governors be scrapped off?
Read: Debate Topics On Education
17. Should students in remote and marginalized areas be graded differently?
18. Is lack of technology and internet limiting development of adequate education programs
19. The current education system does not focus on critical thinking collaboration and digital skills

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.