Cool Science Experiments to Do at Home: Are a teacher, parent, or sibling looking for cool experiments to do? Today we have researched and combined some of the science experiments for kids that you carry out within the setup of your home. Using the common household ingredients, our guide for classic science experiments and projects for kids uses the commonly found ingredients.
As commonly assumed by many, learning science doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. As stated outlined below, most of the ingredients can possibly be found in your kitchen or around the house.
Cool Science Experiments to Do at Home
Solubility Experiments for Elementary
Solubility Experiments for Elementary do not have to be difficult. They can actually be fun and performed from your kitchen backyard. One of the best tests you can do is the mixing activity. With this, activity, children will know the difference between soluble and insoluble substances.
Ingredients for Solubility Experiments for Elementary
Food Color
Oil which can be cooking oil, vegetable oil, olive oil, etc
Kitchen Salt
Transparent containers with a lid
To create curiosity for the children you can first ask them to predict what will happen. This will allow them to pay attention to the experiment to see if what they predicted is true.
Experiment 1: First mix the water and the sand. Let the children stir the mixture for some time. After some time let the mixture settle and allow the kids to see the insolubility of sand in water.
Experiment 2: The second mixture put the food color into the water. Allow them to stir and then let them observe. The children will see the two ingredients mix together as the water will have no residuals of food color This means food color is soluble.
Experiment 3: In the third experiment, Mix the water and the table salt. The salt will dissolve in the water, making it another soluble reaction.
Experiment 4: Fourthly, mix the water and the oil. After mixing for one minute the children will note the clear layer of oil on top of the water. This shows that water is insoluble in water.
Vegetation and Farming
This experiment will illustrate how you can properly use the vegetable leftovers in your kitchen.
Chopping board
A container with fresh water
Well-prepared kitchen garden or container with soil
Experiment 5: Properly cut the scallions leaving some part of it attached to the roots. Place the left over scallion in container containing water for a couple of days. Once the roots form you can then plant them in the garden or container. After several days the scallions will grow into fully grown plants once watered regularly.
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Floating Cereals
This scientific experiment for kids will illustrate the presence of iron in cereals.
A magnet
Few Oats in a cup
Transparent glass or container
Experiment 6: Fill the glass or transparent container with water. Place one oat on water. Immediately place position the magnet on above the oat. Ensure the dicatnce between the magnet and oat is not huge. You will note that the oat is floating on water
Experiment 7: Repeat the above procedure but this time don’t use the magnet, the kids will note that the oat sinks in water after few seconds.
The presence of Iron in oats is creating an attraction with magnetic. In simple words, oats are rich with iron.
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Marshmallow Tower with Spaghetti
To kids, this engineering experiment will illustrate the stability of building and structure. In the end, they will have an idea of how bridges and skyscrapers are shaped the way they are.
A box of uncooked spaghetti or you can use straws
A bag of marshmallows (small or standard size) or can also use a tape
A ruler
A place to work that can get messy
Experiment 8:
Open the spaghetti and the marshmallows.
Use the marshmallows to join the spaghetti which acts as the beams,
You can try building towers of different shapes like squares and triangles. Observe which of the two provides a stronger tower.
Use the ruler to measure the length of your tower.
The kids will discover that the most stable towers have wide, sturdy bases and are triangle shaped. Triangles are a great structure to create since they are the only shape that you cannot alter their angles without altering the length of the sides. As a result, they make very strong structures.
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Paper parachute Experiment
Parachutes present a good way to learn about Weight and air resistance. They material use are easily available in your house.
Materials required:
Paper Cup
Experiment 9: Poke 4 holes in the paper cup and tie thread of equal height on the 4 holes. Cut a big four-sided piece of paper from the polybag and on each corner tie one of the four threads.
Throw off the paper parachute from a high place. The parachute should land slowly.
Explain to the children that when the parachute is released from a high place the weight pulls down the strings and opens a large area or surface that causes air resistance which slows down the falling speed of the parachute.
Note: Poking a small hole at the center of the parachute will allow air to gradually pass through it rather than passing over one side, this will allow the parachute to fall straighter.
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Apple Oxidation Experiment
This can be a funny experiments to do at home
Material needed
3 containers with lid
Lemon juice
Experiment 10:
Cut the apple into four pieces
Pour each of the 3 liquids into a separate container and label them
Place one of the sliced apples into each liquid
Cover the lead and shake to ensure the liquid cover the apple
After 2 to 3 minutes pour out the liquids and cover the container
Every 10 minutes observe the apples to see which one turns brown and which one stays fresh.
When apples are cut the exposed material reacts with oxygen and oxidation takes place turning the apple brown. Of the three liquids, lemon juice will preserve the apple. This is because once the apple is dipped in lemon juice the acid in it reacts with oxygen before the oxygen reacts with the apple.
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Easy Science Experiments to Do at Home with Water
Water Float
Can water float in the air? The answer is simply no. But with a little additional material, water can float the in air.
Clear plastic cup
Index card or thick piece of paper
Water bucket
Experiment: Instructions
Fill the cup with water till it is 3/4 full.
Cover the cup with a thick piece of paper or with an index card. Ensure it totally covers the cup’s mouth.
Keep the card pressed on the cup’s mouth by pressing it with one hand. Slowly position the covered cup above the bucket. The bucket will prevent wetting your work area incase the water float experiment fails.
Slowly turn the cup upside down as you continue pressing firmly on the card to prevent water from leaking.
Once it is overturned remove your hand from the card.
If all goes well the water should be held in place by the card
Air molecules are constantly on the move. The resulting force is air pressure. The air pressure above and below water are the same. When similar forces are applied in the opposite direction, they cancel each other gravity then takes over to pull the water down.
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Water Walking
Material needed
6 transparent cups or glasses
3 different paints
Paper towels
Experiment: Instructions
Pour clear water into the six glasses
Add paint to each of the three glasses
Arrange the glasses in a circle
Ensure each glass that has the paint is followed by the glass with clear water
Fold the paper towels and make bridges between the glasses
The colored water will walk over the bridges into the glasses with clear waters mixing colors. This experiment illustrates the tendency of how liquid on absorbent material tend to rise or fall as a result of surface tension.
Floating Egg Experiment
Materials Needed
2 similar raw Eggs
2 Drinking Glass
Experiment: Instructions
Fill the 2 drinking glasses with water till they are 3/4 full.
In one glass add 3 tablespoons of salt and stir till the salt has dissolved
Place an egg in each glasses
What happens to the eggs in this floating experiment?
The egg in the salty water floats while the one in the freshwater sinks
Why does an egg in salty water float while the one in fresh or regular water sink?
The floating and sinking of water in both salty and fresh water is determined by the water density. The density of salty water is higher than that density of the egg. As a result the egg will float. However, the density of freshwater is lower than that one of an egg. This is the reason why an egg will sink in freshwater

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.