Controversial Topics to Write About: Controversial topics are best for essays, debates, and speeches because they can stir up strong opinions on both sides.
When choosing the most controversial topics to discuss, it’s good to know and familiarize yourself with the arguments of the other side. By understating the controversial statements it helps you to develop critical thinking skills and better understand the topic and be in a better position to defend your argument.
When you are in a position to think critically and understand all points of the topic, you are in a better position to engage your audience. The skill can be applied to public policy forums, political discussions, school debates, etc.
In this post, you will find controversial essay topics, controversial speech topics, controversial debate topics, funny controversial topics, and more… The controversial topics list covers different topics to choose from.
Controversial Topics to Write About
1. Doctors should be allowed to prescribe medical marijuana to severely ill patients.
2. Agnosticism can be simply defined as skepticism regarding theology.
3. Governments ought to stop child labor.
4. Health insurance companies should be refused to use genetic information of clients.
5. High school grades are inflating diplomas/certificates.
6. Higher education should only be accessible to all good students.
7. HIV tests should be available in drug stores like pregnancy tests.
8. Homeschooling is an effective education program for rural areas and long distance regions.
9. Hummer buyers are sad people who over-compensate for things.
10. Hunting should be restricted to some environmental areas.
11. International satellite news broadcasting poses a threat to indigenous cultures.
12. Women must develop their careers before marriage and getting kids.
13. Live with your lover before getting married.
14. Nuclear power is a viable energy source for the future.
15. Parents are to blame for unruly children in public restaurants and bars.
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16. People who have committed serious crimes should not help make laws for others.
17. Pharmacists should be permitted to refuse to sell the morning-after pill to underage girls after wrong dating.
18. Religious fundamentalism is a growing threat to our society.
19. Sex offenders should be castrated.
20. Small universities are more human than big universities. Big universities operate like factories.
21. Stop farm subsidies.
22. Students should spend the whole day studying and not on outdoor team sports activities.
23. Students who download copyrighted music education should not be prosecuted.
24. Stuttering causes self-acceptance and self-esteem problems.
25. Would you rather be a pirate or a ninja?
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Interesting Controversial Topics
1. The minimum wage and its impact on employment
2. The overuse of mudslinging in political races
3. Tobacco regulation
4. Tougher laws against discrimination
5. TSA overregulation in airports
6. U.S. intervention in Iraq
7. Using spanking for discipline
8. Using torture as an interrogation tactic
9. War on homelessness
10. We should have gun control that outlaws firearms with high-capacity magazines.
11. Why women have less wealth and how to fix it
12. Will world peace ever be obtainable
13. Zero tolerance gun laws in schools
14. Convicted felons should not be allowed to vote
15. Politicians should be banned from becoming lobbyists
16. Should Social Security be privatized?
Read: Controversial Topics for Teenagers
17. Should the Electoral College be replaced by the popular vote?
18. Should the words “under God” be kept in the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance?
19. The drinking age should be lowered from 21 to 18
20. The government should put an end to income inequality
21. The Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision should be overturned
22. The U.S. should not continue its practice of drone strikes abroad
23. Voter ID laws discriminate against minorities
24. The importance of the school prayer at early childhood education institutions.
25. The minimum wage only should be at a level at which a person can survive.
26. Santa Claus is EVIL
27. Santa Claus should get a makeover
28. Would you rather be the hero or the sidekick?
29. Working on night-shifts costs you at least ten years of your life.
30. Workplace dating is wrong.
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Good Controversial Topics to Write About
1. Nuclear arms control
2. Open adoption records
3. Political campaign finance reforms
4. Prisoner’s rights
5. Protection against medical malpractice
6. Public access to personal health records
7 Racial Profiling: Is there a place for it?
8. Racism: Playing the victim
9. Refusal to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in some American schools
10. Registering to be an organ donor
11. Removing children from abusive homes to be put in “the system”
12. Restrictions on 1st Amendment Rights (Freedom of Speech)
13. Salaries of professional athletes vs. salaries of military men and women
14. Seat belt and motorcycle helmet laws
15. Sex offender notification
16. Shall-issue laws for concealed carry permits make states safer
17. Should capital punishment be outlawed?
18. Should the president govern the nation by a set code of ethics?
19. Slacktivism: actions performed online in support of political or social causes
20. Stricter penalties for those found guilty of animal cruelty
21. Stronger child pornography laws
22. Student loan debt
23. The benefits of First Nations casinos
24. The impact of mandatory minimum penalties in federal sentencing
25. The music industry is mafia-like controlled and therefore the CD prices are high.
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Controversial Topics List
1. Low morality standards in America
2. Lowering the legal drinking age
3. Mandatory spaying and neutering of pets
4. National Deficit
5. Santa Clause vs. the Easter bunny
6. Santa’s elves ought to be paid minimum wage
7. Should everyone on earth get 3 wishes at the same time?
8. Should humans eat to live or live to eat?
9. Should teachers too have a uniform in schools?
10. The benefits of texting while driving
11. This debate should make America great again.
12. Twilight vs. The Vampire Diaries
13. What do women want in a man?
14. What’s important: beauty vs. brains?
15. Which Football is real Football? The game they play all over the world or the game played in the USA & Canada?
16. Which is better: nightdreaming or daydreaming?
17. Who is likely to be more successful: introverts or extroverts?
18. Why Amazon must be stopped
19. Why cats are better companions than dogs
20. Why Coke is better than Pepsi
21. Why fish make the ultimate pets
22. Why Friends is better than How I Met Your Mother
23. Why homework should be abolished from the school system
24. Why nursery rhymes are quite twisted
25. Why smoking is good for you
Controversial Essay Topics – Politics and Economics, Law and Order
1. Abandoning the requirement for a warrant for search ad seizures
2. Abolishing the Electoral College
3. Abolishment of the jury
4. Abortion: Pro-life vs. pro-choice
5. Abusing the right to sue
6. Adoptive parents must legally allow biological parents to remain in contact with children
7. All athletes receive mandatory drug tests
8. America should keep its nose out of other nation’s problems
9. Banning animal testing and experimentation
10. Birth control regulation and availability
11. Black Lives Matter vs. Blue Live Matter
12. Capital Punishment and Death Penalty: Barbaric or necessary?
13. Censorship: We have a right to know
14. College available to all
15. Common Core: Is it helping or hurting?
16. Corruption in Journalism
17. Corruption in the police force
18. Detention facility tactics used
19. Double standard between men and women in the working community
20. Driving age for teens
21. Electronic voting: security and privacy concerns
22. Environment in jails contributing to future crimes committed
23. Ethics in medicine
24. Financial protection for farmers against things like draught, and pests
25. Gay Marriage
Read: Public Speech Topics
Funny Controversial Topics
1. 15 minutes of fame or staying behind the scenes?
2. American accent vs. British accent
3. Are cats better than a dog?
4. Are school uniforms even necessary?
5. Best Star Wars character
6. Bottled water vs. Regular water: What’s the fuss?
7. Can you be best buds with your boss?
8. Cats vs. Dogs
9. Cycling is better than skiing.
10. Does age matter in a relationship?
11. Does Batman make a good male role model?
12. Does playing video games increase IQ levels?
13. Going out or Netflix?
14. If Harry Potter magic was real, should it be legalized?
15. Instagram famous vs. Twitter famous?
16. Is being politically correct the end of civilization as we know it?
17. Is everything fair in love and war?
18. Is golf a sport?
19. Is social media just making it easier for people to stalk others?
20. Marvel is better than DC
21. Medicine vs. Engineering
22. Men gossip more than women
23. Oatmeal cookies vs. raisin cookies
24. Pizza in a square is better than pizza in a triangle
25. Reasons to appreciate smog
Controversial History Topics
1. A woman’s place being in the home
2. Botched executions and America’s death penalty
3. Causes and effects of World War I
4. Causes and effects of World War II
5. Creation vs. Evolution
6. Feminism and women’s rights
7. Genocide
8. History of legalized abortion
9. Midwifery is a lost art
10. The existence of ghosts
11. The legalization of marijuana
12. There is still a glass ceiling for women.
13. We need medical experiments on humans.
14. Wildlife safaris are orchestrated adventures for the happy rich.
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15. Government bailouts of banks and financial institutions
16. Gun Control vs. Second Amendment rights
17. Harsher punishment for those found guilty of sexual harassment
18. Hate crimes
19. High taxation rates
20. Holding charities accountable for donation allotment
21. Illegal Immigration: Restrictions and laws
22. Immigration: Doing it the legal way is hard
23. Improve the standards in nursing homes
24. Insanity plea: Just an excuse?
25. Is multiculturalism good for our society?
26. Labor Unions
27. Legalizing euthanasia for patients with terminal illnesses
28. Legalizing same-sex marriages
29. LGBTQ Rights
30. Reasons to give teenagers credit cards
31. The government should pay for all healthcare services.
32. Why stupid cat videos are ruining the internet
33. Why the Kardashians are more influential than the president
34. Why Walmart needs to implement a dress code
35. Wonder Woman is better looking than Batman.

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.