College of Human Resource Management – Courses, Fees Structure & Contacts.

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College of Human Resource Management

The College of Human Resource Management (CHRM), formerly, IHRM College, is a leading middle level academic institution in Kenya, and was established in 1997 as the training arm of Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM), the Professional Body for HR Practitioners in Kenya.

It is committed to developing the human resource required for the management of people at the workplace in both the public and private sectors of the economy. Hence, our courses aim at preparing and equipping students with required knowledge, skills and attitudes to be able to deliver HR services at various hierarchical levels of the organization.

Located in the Nairobi Central Business District – Ufundi Co-op Plaza, 3rd & 4th Floor, Moi Avenue, Nairobi – the college offers courses right from the certificate level to a first degree in the area of Human Resource Management (HRM).
Other than HRM courses, College of Human Resource Management is an accredited ICDL training and testing centre with fully equipped Computer Labs and a ICDL Testing facility.

We are also an Accredited training center by both KASNEB and KISM (Kenya Institute of Supplies Management) to offer their programs, namely Certified Secretaries-K and Certified Procurement and Supplies Professional-K.

Other than being accredited by the Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MOEST-MOHEST/PC/1963/012),we have also been accredited as a Training Provider by National Industrial and Training Authority (NITA/TRN/996) to offer Executive Courses and short training courses.
At present about 800 students are studying at our college. We are continuously providing quality HR professional education to produce competitive HR professionals that can work anywhere in the global market. We would be pleased to provide you with more information on our programmes and how to enter join and grow in the HR profession.

To be the Unparalleled World Class Center of Excellence in Professional and Educational Training.

To deliver accessible high quality professional and educational training to all through a combination of academic quality that is career-focused with application of knowledge that will emphasize on excellence in learning, teaching and research as well as support for entrepreneurship.

To provide Excellence in all that we do.
•    Student-Centred
•    Professionalism
•    Creativity & Innovation
•    Enthusiasm
•    Quality

To act with Integrity at all times.
•    Honesty & Trust
•    Transparency
•    Accountability
•    Compliance
•    Credibility

Teamwork – striving to work together with mutual respect and support.
•    Respect for others
•    Sharing
•    Inclusiveness

Leadership – proactive sharing of information
•    Transformational
•    Empowerment
•    Social Responsibility

Courses Offered at College of Human Resource Management

Take a look at the courses offered at College of Human Resource Management and find one that meets your needs.

Find College of Human Resource Management courses offered:-

Graduate Courses
•    Master of Human Resource Management
•    Bachelor of Human Resource Management

Professional Courses
•    Premier Diploma in Human Resource Management by Cambridge
•    Higher Diploma in Human Resource Management
•    Higher Diploma in Secretarial Management
•    Certified Procurement and Supplies Professional of Kenya (K) – KISM
•    Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
•    Certified Secretary (CPS) Contact the institution using the below details for more information

Diploma Courses
•    Diploma in Human Resource Management
•    Diploma in Business Management
•    Diploma in Secretarial Studies

Certificate Courses
•    Certificate in Business Management
•    Certificate in Human Resource Management

IT Courses
•    International Computer Driving License (ICDL)
•    Certificate in Information and Communication Techonology
•    Diploma in Information and Communication Technology
•    Computer Packages

Bridging Courses

College of Human Resource Management Application Form

You can find College of Human Resource Management Admission Forms on

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College of Human Resource Management Admission Requirements

College of Human Resource Management Admission Requirements varies depending on the course you want to apply.

Requirements For Admission To C.H.R.M.

Candidates who have passed the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E.) or a recognized equivalent examination are eligible to apply, and also a degree is required to qualify for the higher levels of learning. Admission will be on the basis of grades obtained in the K.C.S.E. or equivalent examination.
Meeting the eligibility criteria does not automatically guarantee the applicant’s admission to the course of her choice. Canvassing of any kind will disqualify the candidate. The decision of the Admission Committee and the Principal in this regard will be final.

Contact the institution using the below details for more information

College of Human Resource Management Fees Structure

College of Human Resource Management Fees Structure.
The fees structure depends on the course that you are undertaking at the time of application.

Contact the institution using the below details for more information

College of Human Resource Management Contacts

Contact Us
College of Human Resource Management
Tel: 020 221 7490/ 224 8095/ 221 7979
Mobile: 0718 781 513/ 0727 792 122
Ufundi Co-op Plaza
1st & 4th Floor
Moi Avenue, Nairobi