Chai Sacco – Contacts, Loans, Mobile Banking, Paybill: Chai Sacco Society Ltd is a Deposit Taking Society licenced by Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA).” It is incorporated in Kenya under the Cooperatives Societies Act (CAP 490).
Chai Sacco Loans
Chai Sacco has various loan products as shown below.
- Development Loan
- Emergency Loan
- School Fees Loan
- Product Loan
- Super Loan
- College/University Loan
- Jeki Loan
- Vision Loan
- Salary Advance
- FOSA Loan
- Golden Loan
- Group Loan
- Chai Okoa
- Kilimo Advance
Chai Sacco Members Portal – Chai Sacco Internet Banking
You can find Chai Sacco Members Portal here
Chai Sacco Branches
- Chai Sacco Nairobi Branch
- Chai Sacco Litein Branch
- Chai Sacco Kisii Branch
- Chai Sacco Mombasa Branch
- Chai Sacco Nkubu Branch
Membership Benefits
- Quick Access to affordable credit facilitiity
- High dividends earnings on share capital
- High rebates on member deposits
- High interest savings facilities
- Deposit refunded times two (x2) to member nominee incase of death or permanent disability of a member
Chai Sacco Mobile Banking
Chai Sacco features mobile banking that enables you to bank from anywhere and anytime
Chai Sacco Contacts
KTDA Plaza,4th Floor, Moi Avenue
P.O. Box 278-00200 City Square
Nairobi Kenya
Phone: +254 20 2214406/10
Mobile: 0733 330045 / 0701 314410
Fax: +254 20 22144410
Nairobi Branch
KTDA Plaza Ground Floor,
Tom Mboya Street
Tel: 0709808000
Litein Branch
Next to Bureti Book Center
Tel: 0709808158
Kisii Branch
Mocha Place 1st Floor, Opp. Tuskys Echiro Supermarket
Kisii-Kisumu Highway
Tel: 0709808180
Mombasa Branch
MKU Plaza, Ground Floor,
Nkrumah Road
Tel: 0709808165
Nkubu Branch
Next to Equity Bank.
Tel: 0709808182

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.