Best Secondary Schools in Taita Taveta County: Searching for Best Secondary Schools in Taita Taveta County? There are quite a good number of County Secondary Schools in this County.
These secondary schools are boys, girls or mixed secondary school.
Best Secondary Schools in Taita Taveta County
Name of School School mean grade
1 Murray Girls High School 7.78
2 Dr. Aggrey High School 6.89
3 Mwasere Girls Secondary 6.89
4 Bura Girls High School 6.80
5 Senior Chief Mwangeka Girls High School 6.50
6 Timbila High School 6.00
7 St. John’s Secondary 5.80
8 Voi Secondary 5.80
9 Mwakitawa Secondary 5.75
10 Canon Kituri Secondary 5.69
11 Moi High School Kasigau 5.64
12 Mwangea Sec Sch 5.21
13 Ngami Secondary 5.15
14 Chala Secondary 5.08
15 Allan Mjomba Secondary 5.08
16 Bishop Njenga Secondary 5.08
17 Mwakiwiwi Secondary 4.92
18 Dalmas Moka Secondary 4.91
19 Mwakichuchu Secondary 4.83
20 Mwanyambo Secondary 4.67
Which secondary schools in Taita Taveta county is not listed. Drop us an email

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.