- Argumentative Essay Topics about Animals
- Animal Argumentative Essay Topics
- Argumentative Topics About Animals
- Topics on Argumentative Essay About Animals
- Animal Debate Topics
- Argumentative Essay Topics on Animal Cruelty
- Argumentative Essay Topics On The Rights Of Animals
- Argumentative Essay On Conservation Of Animal Species
Argumentative Essay Topics about Animals: For you to write a good argumentative topic about animals, you need to understand the topic at hand. Before you start writing your essay, you need to choose a good subject for your argumentative essay topic.
If you are in middle school, high school, university, or college this is the best place to start your research argumentative essays on animals.
Below is a list of argumentative essay topics about animals that you can choose from.
Argumentative Essay Topics about Animals
1. Should wild animals be sold and kept as pets?
2. Are zoos are good for animals?
3. What sort of animals should be used for experimentation and why?
4. Are there any ill consequences on the ecology of the earth if the critically endangered species get extinct from the food chain and web?
5. Should people abusing animals be reported to the authority? Who should bear the responsibility of reporting?
6. Is water pollution dangerous to aquatic life
7. Should there be harsher laws for animal cruelty?
8. Should there be a bigger consequence for poaching?
9. Should the punishment for poaching be increased?
10. Should the percentage be higher for the endangered list?
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11. Veterinary care is very expensive
12. Trading products made from animals is a worthwhile venture
13. Think of some convincing alternatives to vivisection.
14. There is no need of respecting animals
15. Is the subjection of animals to chemical tests is alo harmful to a human beings?
16. The population explosion leads to deforestation and thus it snatches the habitat of the animals as well.
17. The major significance of environmental conservation can be seen in the result of saving animals from dying unnatural death.
18. The impact of human beings on wildlife
19. Biomagnifications are the biggest reason why many species are dying a natural death in the ecological environment.
20. Should whaling be globally outlawed?
21. Should we never take medicine if we want to save animals from experiments?
22. Should animals have more rights?
23. Should they be kept in captivity?
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Animal Argumentative Essay Topics
1. Should ocean marine animals be kept in captivity?
2. Should animals be used for entertainment?
3. Should animals be used for scientific testing and medical studies?
4. Should animal fashion be banned?
5. Sacrificing animals for religion is ethical/moral?
6. Rhinos’ extinction from seeking their horns is unavoidable.
7. Research studies using animal participants are ethical.
8. Protecting the Giant Panda is ecologically important.
9. Protecting endangered animal species is important.
10. Primates and other sophisticated vertebrates should not be used in laboratory research.
11. Pets should be spayed and neutered to prevent overpopulation.
12. People should not be kind to poisonous animals.
13. Monkeys are the most intelligent animals among all mammals in the forest.
14. Medical animal testing is justifiable.
15. Medical animal testing is ethically wrong.
16. Killing animals for food is justified.
17. Keeping wild-caught exotic pets is inhumane.
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Argumentative Topics About Animals
1. Keeping animals in zoos is inhumane.
2. It’s irrational to be afraid of spiders since most of them are harmless.
3. It is necessary and acceptable to use higher animals, such as monkeys and chimpanzees, in laboratory research.
4. It is difficult to maintain equilibrium on this earth if the animal species will keep on vanishing from the earth.
5. Is the cross-breeding of animals sustainable in the long term?
6. Is keeping animals in a zoo inhumane?
7. Is it okay to test antibiotics and cures on animals?
8. Is it okay for people to have exotic pets?
9. Is it necessary to do medical tests on living creatures?
10. Is it justified to kill animals for fun?
11. Is it ethical for people to have exotic pets such as Meerkats?
12. Is it ‘right’ to perform tests on other living creatures for our gains?
13. Is animal fashion ethical? Should it be made completely illegal?
14. Important factors to consider when adopting a pet.
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15. Hunting for sport is unethical and inhumane.
16. Hunting for sport is a normal, acceptable pass time.
17. How does the ecology gets disturbed when the animals playing their particular role in a given ecosystem become extinct from the earth?
18. How the ecological system on earth can be balanced well when the food chain and food web grow naturally?
19. How far should we go to protect endangered species?
20. How can we make vivisection less painful and/or stressful? Should we?
Topics on Argumentative Essay About Animals
1. Foxes should be bred into companion animals.
2. Fish should not be kept in goldfish bowls without filters or temperature control.
3. Factory farm treatment of animals is inhumane.
4. Factory farm conditions are conducive to the spread of avian influenza among chickens and other domestic fowl.
5. Euthanizing stray animals is unethical.
6. Euthanizing stray animals is a humane solution.
7. Dolphins are friendly.
8. Do we have a responsibility to respect the creatures we test on?
9. Do cosmetics matter?
10. Do animals have feelings?
11. Deer hunting is legal.
12. Dairy cows should be given drugs to boost milk production.
Animal Debate Topics
1. Can we improve the lives of captive animals?
2. Bullfighting is fun and should be continued.
3. Are wildlife preserves healthy for various species?
4. Are there reasons for treating cats and dogs humanely?
5. Animals do not have any rights.
6. Animal testing is justifiable in some cases (e.g., medical), but not in others (e.g., cosmetics).
7. Animal testing is beneficial.
8. Animal health is a money-making venture.
9. Animal extinction through human action should be banned.
10. Animal cruelty must be banned.
11. Conserving some endangered animals is more important than conserving others, due to their respective ecological roles.
12. Companion animals can help lonely people.
13. Chaining or tethering dogs outside is unethical, inhumane, and a form of animal neglect.
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Argumentative Essay Topics on Animal Cruelty
1. The tribal people harm animals for their meals and other needs in several ways.
2. The efforts of various international conventions on animal rights are irrelevant as they are incapable of checking injustice to animals.
3. The advancement in technology and coming of the biotechnology in the past couple of decades pause a serious threat to animals.
4. People who are not following the norms created for saving animals from human cruelty are not punished at all.
5. Most animals spread infectious diseases once they are subjected to chemical tests in several experiments.
6. Many animal species are about to extinct because of the chemicals applied to them during the test.
7. Developed countries are less cruel towards animals as compared to developing and underdeveloped nations.
8. Apart from making strict rules for saving cruelty to animals, it is also important to enforce them on the real ground.
9. Animals are subjected to human cruelty in various testing labs nowadays.
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Argumentative Essay Topics On The Rights Of Animals
1. There should be a provision for proper care of the animals which are wounded and struggling for survival.
2. Most of the animals die an unnatural death at the hand of humans which is a big slap on the conventions making animals laws.
3. Most of the animal rights conventions are showing their back when it comes to taking action against rich people harming animals.
4. Many times people who are making animal rights are involved in putting the lives of animals in danger.
5. It is very important to have international laws on saving animals from harmful human activities.
6. Developed countries are more inclined towards animal rights as compared to developing ones.
7. Certain traditional practices which are against the rights of animals should be banned across the length and breadth of the world.
8. Animal rights are valid in documents only as we cannot see them in practice against exploitation against them.
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Argumentative Essay On Conservation Of Animal Species
1. Animal species which are about to be extinct are also being exploited by the people and authorities are mute on the issue.
2. Conservation of animal species that are in the endangered category of species can be saved by giving artificial habitats to them.
3. It is almost impossible to make an animal species breed in an artificial environment.
4. Only critically endangered species are given attention in the conservation of animal species and not other species.
5. The actions that are being taken in favor of the conservation of animal species are a mere show-off.
6. The efforts taken so far to conserve the animal species by the experts of the arena are not successful to a great extent.
7. We can save the animals which are about to extinct by facilitating them in natural habitats and not in artificial habitats by preserving them.
8. We cannot see animal conservation in a single aspect as there are a lot of things to consider beyond giving them food and habitat.
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Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.