Strathmore University

Looking for Strathmore University Courses, Fees Structure, Admission Requirements, Application Form and Contacts? Find more details on Strathmore University below

Strathmore University

Strathmore University is a chartered university situated in Nairobi, Kenya.  Strathmore University is a leading University in the region, whose mission is to provide all-round quality education in an atmosphere of freedom and responsibility; excellence in teaching, research and scholarship; ethical and social development; and service to society.

Strathmore College was started in 1961 as the first multi-racial, multi-religious Advanced-level Sixth Form College offering Science and Arts subjects by a group of professionals, who formed a charitable Educational Trust (now the Strathmore Educational Trust).
The university offers different courses for the modern world

Strathmore University focuses on developing the whole person, as well as combining broad learning and professional specialization. They offer market oriented courses that provides positive career outcomes for their students

To provide all round quality education in an atmosphere of freedom and responsibility excellence in teaching, research and scholarship, ethical and social development and service to the society.

To become a leading out- come driven entrepreneurial research University by translating our excellence into major contribution to culture, economic well-being and quality of life.

Excellence through the sanctification of work; freedom and responsibility; ethical practice; personalized attention; subsidiarity; collegiality; life-long learning; service to society.

Courses offered at Strathmore University

Courses offered at Strathmore University
Strathmore universities offers regular, full time, part time, evening and weekend classes to meet the students varied needs

Undergraduate Courses  

  • Bachelor of Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Science in Informatics
  • Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications
  • Bachelor of Science in Leadership and Management
  • Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
  • Bachelor of Business Science in Actuarial Science
  • Bachelor of Business Science in Finance
  • Bachelor of Business Science in Financial Economics
  • Bachelor of Science in Leadership and Management (BLM)

Postgraduate Courses

  • Master of Arts in Philosophy and Ethics
  • Master of Business Administration
  • Master of Commerce
  • Master of Science in Computer- based Information systems
  • Master of Science in Education Management
  • Master of Science in Information Technology

Professional Courses

  • Association of Chartered certified Accountants (ACCA)
  • Chartered Financial Analyst  (CFA )
  • Certified Information Systems Auditor  (CISA )
  • Certified Information Security Manager  (CISM )
  • Certified Public Accountant Course (CPA)
  • ACA Advanced Stage

University Diploma Courses

  • Diploma in Business Information Technology
  • Diploma in Business Management
  • Microfinance Diploma Programme
  • Post Experience Diploma in Educational Management

Strathmore University Fees Structure

Strathmore University Fees Structure depends on the course that you are undertaking at the time of application. You can also contact the university using the below contact information.

Strathmore University Admission Requirements

Strathmore University Admission Requirements varies depending on the course you want to apply.

You can find the admission requirements here

Application Requirements for Postgraduate Programmes
All graduate students applying for admission must sit for a Graduate Entrance Examination at the University.

The Entrance Examination consists of aptitude tests in English and Mathematics, followed by a personal interview with the Dean of the Faculty. The entrance exam is held on Wednesdays and Fridays at 2.00 pm.

Applicants can confirm the days on which they should personally attend, by contacting the Graduate Admissions Office or Admission Services Office.

On the day of the Entrance Examination applicants should report to the Admission Services Office and bring the following requirements
•    One copy of the fully completed application form.
•    Originals and copies of Transcript of Records (TOR) in English giving full details of subjects studied and grades/marks obtained. University/College TOR for undergraduate course.
•    English language proficiency results where available.
•    Two (2) completed Reference Forms from former undergraduate/graduate professors and/or employer particularly qualified to attest to the applicant’s qualification for graduate study.
•    Updated Curriculum Vitae.
•    2 passport size photos.
•    Additional information where requested.
•    Interview fee

Interview fee:
•    Professional courses KShs 1,000
•    Undergraduate courses KShs 1,500
•    Postgraduate courses KShs 2,000

Any student who wishes to attend any of the courses offered at the University should apply in writing or by e-mail to this address:

Admission Services Office
Strathmore University
P.O. Box 59857
00200 City Square


Strathmore University Application Forms

Searching for Strathmore University Application Forms? You can download Strathmore University Application Forms from here, visit the website or

You can also contact the university using the contacts details below.

Strathmore University Contacts

Searching for Strathmore University Contact Information? You can reach the university using the below contacts
Strathmore University is situated on Ole Sangale Road, off Langata Road, in Madaraka Estate. If using public transport, take matatu number 14A, which leaves town from Bus Station and goes directly to the entrance of Strathmore University (the last stop).

Postal Address
Strathmore University
Madaraka Estate
Ole Sangale Road
PO Box 59857
00200 City Square

(+254) (0)703-034000
(+254) (0)703-034200
(+254) (0)703-034300

(+254) (0)20 6007498

Admission Offices

Alumni Offices

Centre for Tourism & Hospitality

Community Engagement

Faculty of Information Technology

General Enquiries

Human Resource Office

Institute of Continuing Education

School of Accountancy

School of Management & Commerce

Strathmore Business School

School of Graduate Studies

Strathmore Law School

University Librarian
