County Secondary Schools in Meru County

County Secondary Schools in Meru County: There are a good number of Secondary Schools in Meru County.

County Secondary Schools in Meru County

County Secondary Schools in Meru County

Here is the 2020/2021 List of County Schools in Meru County.

Nthimbiri Secondary School                                        Boarding Boys

Kiirua Boys Secondary School                                     Boarding Boys

Thitha Secondary School                                               Mixed Boarding

See Also: National Schools in Kenya per County

Kathathene Secondary School                                    Day

Nthare Secondary School                                             Mixed Day and boarding

Ntuene Secondary School                                           Mixed Day and Boarding

akirango’ndu Secondary School               Boarding Boys

Antuambui boys secondary school                          Boarding Boys

Mutuati Secondary School                                          Boarding Boys

St Rita’s Amwamba Girls    Secondary School       Boarding Girls

Ruiga girls Secondary School L                                  Boarding Girls

Thuura Boys Secondary                                                 Boarding Boys

Chugu Boys    Secondary School                                 Boarding Boys

Kithatu girls Secondary School                                   Boarding Girls

St Agnes Gaukune girls   Secondary School            Boarding Girls

Nkuene boys Secondary School                                Boarding Boys

Maraa girls Secondary School                                     Boarding Girls

Kiangua Secondary School                                           Mixed Boarding

Nyagene girls Secondary School                                Boarding Girls

Igandene Secondary School                                         Boarding Boys

Kathera Boys Secondary School                                Boarding Boys

Miruriiri Boys Secondary School                                Boarding Boys

Kathera  girls Secondary School                                 Boarding Girls

Miruriiri Girls Secondary School                                 Boarding Girls

Kaongo girls secondary school                                   Boarding/day girls

Katheri Girls High school                                              Boarding Girls

Kithirune Girls’ Secondary School                             Boarding Girls

Kiamuri mixed secondary school                              Mixed day and boarding

Githongo Boys High school                                         Boarding Boys

Katheri boys Secondary School                                   Boarding Boys

Akaiga Secondary School                                             Boarding Boys

Irindiro Secondary School                                             Mixed Boarding

King’o mixed day Secondary School                          Day

Rumanthi Girls Secondary School                              Boarding Girls

Karama Secondary School                                            Boarding Boys

St Angela’s Nguthiru Girls secondary school          Boarding Girls

St Cyprian boys high school.                                        Boarding Boys

Uringu Girls Secondary School                 Boarding Girls

Akithi girls Secondary School                                      Boarding Girls

Kimachia Secondary School                                         Mixed Boarding

Mituntu GIRLS Secondary School                              Day/ Boarding girls

Kanjalu GIRLS Secondary School                 Boarding Girls

Athwana Secondary School                                          Mixed Boarding

St francis muramba Secondary School                    Mixed Boarding

Kianjai girls     Secondary School                                Boarding Girls

Kibuline Secondary School                                           Mixed Boarding


Extra County Secondary Schools in Meru County

Cluster 1

Kaaga Girls’ High School                                 Girls       C1

Kaaga Boys Secondary                                   Boys      C1

Extra County Secondary Schools in Meru County

Igembe Boys’ Secondary School                 Boys      C1

Nkubu High School                                          Boys      C1

Nkuene Girls High School                              Girls       C1

Yururu Girls’ Secondary School                   Girls       C1

Gikurune Boys Secondary School               Boys      C1

Ontulili Boys Secondary School                  Boys      C1

Mikinduri Girls Secondary School              Girls       C1

Burieruri Boys Secondary School               Boys      C1

 Cluster 2   

Kangeta Girls’ Secondary School                 Girls       C2

Kanyakine High School                                   Boys      C2

Ruiri Girls Secondary School                        Girls       C2

Kibirichia Boys Secondary School               Boys      C2

Kibirichia Girls Secondary School               Girls       C2

Kirigara Girls Secondary School                  Girls       C2

Kinjo Girls Secondary School                       Girls       C2

Gikurune Girls Secondary School               Girls       C2

Miathene Boys High School                          Boys      C2

Gikumene Girls ‘ Secondary School           Girls       C2

Maua Girls Secondary School                      Girls       C2

Cluster 3       

Gakuuni Girls Secondary School                 Girls       C3

Njia Boys Secondary School                         Boys      C3

Ntunene Girls Secondary School                 Girls       C3

Abothuguchi Secondary School                  Boys      C3


Best secondary schools in Meru County

Below are some of the best schools in Meru county. These schools are majorly Extra county schools unless for the Meru school which is a national school.

Meru school

Nkubu high

St mary’s igoji girls           I

Igembe boys

Kaaga girls’ high school

Kaaga boys secondary

Igembe boys’ secondary school

Nkuene girls high school

Yururu girls’ secondary school

Gikurune boys secondary school

Ontulili boys secondary school

Mikinduri girls secondary school

Burieruri boys secondary school


National School in Meru county

Meru School

St. Mary’s Girls Igoji