Best private schools in Meru County

Meru County is one of area in Mt. Kenya with the best private schools. The best private schools in Meru County have in the past become among the list of top 100 schools in KCPE.

Best private schools in Meru County

Students from these schools have joined national schools since they perform well. These schools offer the best opportunity to students to learn in the approachable environment. Not only do they have the best amenities they also show attention in fostering the learners co curriculum activities.

Although there are numerous private schools in Meru County today we shall only look at the best. If you are parent and you are questioning which private school in Meru County to take your child the following list may help you

  1. Kathigiri Boarding Primary
  2. Freds Academy, Meru
  3. Meru Sakem Academy
  4. Njogune Boarding Primary
  5. Kinoro Springs View
  6. Kanyekine Primary
  7. Cottolengo Boarding Primary
  8. Highland Academy
  9. St Andrews Sikawa
  10. Tonga Omonuri Adventist