Machakos Institute of Technology – Courses, Fees Structure, Admission Requirements, Application Form, & Contacts

Looking for Machakos Institute of Technology Courses, Fees Structure, Admission Requirements, Application Form, and Contacts. Find more details on Machakos Institute of Technology below

Machakos Institute of Technology

The Machakos Institute of Technology is situated in Machakos town on Mbolu Malu Road, on the second floor of Kinyali Building.  It is a Limited Liability Company by shares operating as a training institution under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. The Main Campus is located at the Machakos – Mombasa Junction.

The Institute offers Short, Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses in the following schools:
1.    The School of Social Work and Community Development,
2.    The school of Counseling Psychology,
3.    The School of Business Education,
4.    The School of Information Communication Technology,
5.    The School of Health and Applied Sciences,
6.    The School of Teacher Education,
7.    The School of Accounts and Finance,
8.    The School of Hospitality Management, and
9.    The School of Information Science

The Institute runs consultancy services in all its schools. The institution is in the process of developing programmes for the School of Engineering.

There has been great expansion in primary and secondary education over the years without a corresponding increase in mid- level training colleges and universities. This has led to the inability of majority of KCSE school leavers to access training, leading to a huge training gap. Inadequate skills at the middle level are harmful to the industry and society since the technological gap prevents it from social-economic advancement. Machakos Institute of Technology comes in to specifically address these skill gaps in order to spur the country towards attaining its vision of industrialization by 2030.

Courses Offered at Machakos Institute of Technology

Take a look at the courses offered at Machakos Institute of Technology and find one that meets your needs.

KNEC Courses
1. School of Social Works and Community Development.
•    CSD 100: Certificate in Social Development
•    CSW 200: Certificate in Social Work and Welfare
•    CCD 300: Certificate in Community Development
•    DSW 3000: Diploma in Social Work
•    DCD 3100: Diploma in Community Development
•    DIC 5700: Diploma in Criminology
•    DIA 5800: Diploma in Public Administration and Management
•    ADCD 3200: Advanced Diploma in Community Development

2. School of Counselling and Psychology.
•    CCP 400: Certificate in Counseling Psychology
•    DCP 3300: Diploma in Counseling Psychology
•    DP 3400: Diploma in Psychology
•    DPBC 3500: Diploma in Pastoral and Biblical Counseling
•    DMHC 3600: Diploma in Medical and Health Counseling
•    DGC 3700: Diploma in Guidance and Counseling
•    DCAC 3800: Diploma in Child and Adolescent Counseling
•    DMFC 3900: Diploma in Marriage and Family Counseling

3. School of Applied and Health Sciences.
•    CCH 500: Certificate in Community Health.
•    CHIV 600: Certificate in HIV/AIDS Management
•    DCHD 4000: Diploma in Community Health and Development
•    DHIV 4100: Diploma in HIV/AIDS Management.
•    DDM 4200: Diploma in Disaster Management
•    DNDM 4300: Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics Management
•    ADHIV 5900: Advanced Diploma in HIV / AIDS Management

4. School of Business Education.
•    CPPM 700: Certificate in Project Planning and Management
•    CBA 800: Certificate in Business Administration
•    CHRM 900: Certificate in Human Resource Management
•    CSM 1000: Certificate in Sales and Marketing
•    CTG 1200: Certificate in Tour Guiding and Travel Operations
•    DBA 4400: Diploma in Business Administration
•    DSM 4500: Diploma in Sales and Marketing
•    DISM 4600: Diploma in Supplies Management
•    DHRM 4700: Diploma in Human Resources Management.
•    DED 5500: Diploma in Entrepreneurship Development
•    DPPM 4800: Diploma in Project Planning and Management
•    DTM 4900: Diploma in Tourism Management.
•    KAS 5000: KATC 1/KAME 1 (intermediate), KATC 11/KAME 11 (Final).
•    KAS 5100: CPA All sections.
•    ADPM 5600: Advanced Diploma in Project Management.

5. School of Computing and Information Technology.
•    Diploma in Information Technology
•    Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma Programmes
•    Professional Computer Programmes
•    Single Computer Packages
•    Certificate in Information Studies


•    Business start up skills
•    Effective leadership and development
•    Counseling skills and development
•    Technical report writing skills
•    Customer care skills
•    Disaster preparedness and management
•    HIV & AIDS prevention, care ,counseling and support
•    Drug and substance abuse
•    Peace and conflict management and reconciliation

Institute of Commercial Management (ICM) UK Programmes.

Certificate Courses

•    Business Studies
•    Hospitality Management
•    Jounalism
•    Sales and Marketing Management
•    Travel and Tourism
•    Legal Studies

Diploma Courses
•    Business Studies
•    Hospitality Management
•    Journalism and Media Studies
•    Journalism
•    Marketing
•    Graduate Diploma in Marketing
•    Sales and Marketing
•    Purchacing and Supply Management
•    Travel and Tourism
•    Public Sector Management
•    Legal Studies

Advanced Diploma Courses

•    Business Studies
•    Hospitality Management
•    Marketing
•    Project Management
•    Purchasing and Supply Management
•    Travel and Tourism
•    Public Sector Management
•    Legal Studies

Institute of Management Information Systems  (IMIS) Programmes
•    Foundation Diploma in Information Systems
•    Diploma in Information Systems Management
•    Advanced Diploma in Information Systems Management

Diploma Courses
•    Business Studies
•    Hospitality Management
•    Journalism and Media Studies
•    Journalism
•    Marketing
•    Graduate Diploma in Marketing
•    Sales and Marketing
•    Purchacing and Supply Management
•    Travel and Tourism
•    Public Sector Management
•    Legal Studies

Advanced Diploma Courses
•    Business Studies
•    Hospitality Management
•    Marketing
•    Project Management
•    Purchasing and Supply Management
•    Travel and Tourism
•    Public Sector Management
•    Legal Studies

Association of Business Executives (ABE) Programmes.
Certificate Courses
•    Business Management
•    Business Information Systems
•    Financial Management
•    Human Resource Management
•    Marketing
•    Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management
Diploma Courses
•    Business Management
•    Business Information Systems
•    Financial Management
•    Human Resource Management
•    Marketing
•    Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management
•    Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management
Advanced Diploma Courses
•    Business Management
•    Business Information Systems
•    Human Resource Management
•    Marketing
•    Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management

Advanced Diploma Courses
•    Business Administration and Management Studies
•    Clearing Fowarding and Shipping Management
•    Professional Journalism
•    Human Resource and Business Management
•    Public Relations and Public Administration
•    Community Development
•    HIV / AIDS Management
•    Sales and Marketing Management
•    Travel Tourism and Hotel Recreation Management

•    Diploma in Networking
•    Advanced Diploma in Networking
•    Diploma in Information Technology
•    Advanced Diploma in Information Technology

Contact the institution using the below details for more information

Machakos Institute of Technology Application Forms

You can download Machakos Institute of Technology Application Forms on the institution website

You can also contact the institution using the contacts details below.

Machakos Institute of Technology Admission Requirements

Machakos Institute of Technology Admission Requirements varies depending on the course you want to apply.

You can also contact the institution using the contacts details below.

Machakos Institute of Technology Fees Structure

Machakos Institute of Technology Fees Structure. The fees structure depends on the course that you are undertaking at the time of application.

Find the fees structure on the university website

Contact the institution using the below details for more information

Machakos Institute of Technology Contacts

Machakos Institute of Technology
P.O Box 2069-90100
2nd Fl. Kanyali building Opp. General Post Office
+254 722 973271