Persuasive Speech Topics About Animals: During your studies at middle school, high school, and college, you will be required to write several persuasive essays. A good essay entails choosing the right topic.
If you are interested in animals, there are so many topics that you can choose from. In today’s world, there are so many controversial issues and in that case, you can easily choose a topic and build your persuasive speech about animals. If you can’t find a topic; below you will find good persuasive essay topics about animals.
Find some of the best animal persuasive essay topics that will help you come up with your topic.
Persuasive Speech Topics About Animals
1. “The Animal Welfare Act of 1966 (AWA)” is outdated and should be revised
2. A dog is the best service animal – right or wrong?
3. A natural disaster caused dinosaurs to become extinct – right or wrong?
4. A pet is not a child’s birthday present.
5. A vegetarian diet is unhealthy for cats and dogs.
6. All animals should be under the protection of the state and not just endangered species.
7. Animal abuse should be stopped in zoos.
8. Animal dissection is a useful learning tool for students.
9. Animal dissection is inhumane.
10. Animal extinction caused by humans should be stopped.
Read: Argumentative Essay Topics about Animals
11. Animal health is useless and expensive.
12. Animal sports banning campaigns are not effective enough.
13. Animal testing – vicious or beneficial.
14. Animal testing is justifiable in some cases, but not in others (e.g., cosmetics)
15. Animals do not belong in zoos.
16. Animals don’t belong in circuses or folklore events.
17. Animals have feelings just like human beings.
18. Animals held at the zoo live uncomfortable lives.
19. Animals in a zoo are more dangerous than animals in game reserves.
20. Are circus animals respected and appreciated?
21. Ban animal fight games.
22. Building bonds between children and pets is important – right or wrong?
23. Cats should get annual vaccinations.
24. Keeping pets is good for human health.
25. Children should be taught to take care of pets.
Read: Informative Speech Topics about Animal
Persuasive Speech Topics Animals
1. Committing an immoral act against animals is justified – right or wrong?
2. Companion animals can help lonely people.
3. Conserving some endangered animals is more important than conserving others, due to their respective ecological roles.
4. Does petting and talking to animals lower stress in people?
5. Performance animals have a risk of death.
6. Pets deserve a Bill of Rights.
7. Pets should be spayed and neutered to prevent overpopulation.
8. Is animal dissection justified as a learning tool for students?
9. Is deforestation leading to loss of diversity in wildlife?
10. Is it right or wrong for circuses to use animals in their shows?
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11. Is it right or wrong to test antibiotics and cures on animals?
12. Is it right or wrong to use pig’s skin for making cosmetics?
13. Is smog dangerous for animals’ health?
14. It is necessary and acceptable to use higher animals, such as monkeys and chimpanzees, in laboratory research.
15. It’s irrational to be afraid of spiders since most of them are harmless.
16. Should lonely people have companion animals?
17. Should marine mammals be kept in captivity?
18. Should people have pet monkeys?
19. Should pet birds have a right to fly?
20. Should pets be spayed and neutered to prevent overpopulation?
21. Should the hunting of seals for fur be banned to avoid their extinction?
22. Should the hunting of wild animals be banned?
23. Should there be harsher laws for animal cruelty?
24. Should we adopt new pets from a shelter instead of buying them from a shop?
25. Should we be more tolerant of spiders, ants, and flies?
Read: Persuasive Speech Topics for Teens
Good Persuasive Essay Topics About Animals
1. Effective animal conservation laws and other legal regulations are improving.
2. Euthanasia is ethical for animals – right or wrong?
3. Euthanizing stray animals is a humane solution.
4. The extinction of rhinos for selling their horns is inevitable.
5. Factory farm conditions are conducive to the spread of avian influenza among chickens and other domestic fowl.
6. Factory farm treatment of animals is inhumane.
7. Fish should not be kept in goldfish bowls without filters or temperature control.
8. Fishes are great for relaxation, everyone should have an aquarium.
9. Food production livestock should be welfare protected till the end.
10. Forbid the wearing of fur coats.
11. Foxes should be bred into companion animals.
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12. Genetic adjustment of animal genes is ethical.
13. Genetic modification of livestock has numerous benefits, such as creating more meat per animal.
14. Genetic modification of livestock is unethical or potentially dangerous for humans.
15. Giving drugs to cows to increase their milk is advantageous – right or wrong?
16. Has your pet been spayed or neutered?
17. Human activities are responsible for the extinction of many animals.
18. Human beings are crueler to animals than necessary.
19. Human beings have no moral responsibility to care for the animals.
20. Humans are affecting wildlife – right or wrong?
21. Hunting for sport is normal.
22. Hunting for sport is unethical and inhumane.
23. Hybrid animals – natural or not?
24. To save the orangutans, we should say “no” to palm oil.
25. Keeping wild-caught exotic pets is inhumane.
Read: Informative Speech Topics about Animals
Persuasive Topics About Animals
1. Keeping animals in zoos is inhumane.
2. Licensed game hunting should be banned as nature has a way of balancing the population of animals in the wild.
3. Mating two different species of animals is morally wrong.
4. Medical animal testing is justifiable.
5. Monkeys are more intelligent than other mammals.
6. Not all species belong in marine aquariums.
7. Owning pets reduces your risk of various diseases – right or wrong?
8. Painting cattle for a trademark should be banned.
9. People should be allowed to own exotic animals like tigers and monkeys.
10. People should not be allowed to keep exotic animals like chimpanzees or tigers?
11. People should not be allowed to keep wild animals as pets.
12. Poaching affects the economy and should be banned.
Read: African Animal Folktales
13. Primates and other sophisticated vertebrates should not be used in laboratory research.
14. Protecting endangered animal species is important.
15. Protecting the Giant Panda is ecologically important.
16. Purchasing animal-tested cosmetics is wrong.
17. Rats and mice affect us badly and should be killed.
18. Reforesting the world is the most effective way to save the animals from becoming extinct
19. The sale and transfer of animal trophies should be illegal
20. Sharks don’t attack tourists all the time.
21. Should animal breeding be banned?
22. Should animal rights be limited – right or wrong?
23. Should cats be treated humanely?
24. Should fish be kept in goldfish bowls without filters or temperature control?
25. Should foxes be bred into companion animals?
26. Should we build awareness of animal abuse in Puppy Mills?
Should we eat healthy snakes?
Should we get our pet microchipped?
Should we make use of rewards and appreciation to train our pets?
Should we make use of TISSUE ENGINEERING to get leather and meat without killing animals?
Should we revive extinct species by recovering their ancient DNA?
Should we use animals for entertainment purposes?
Should we use animals to make future predictions?
Animal Persuasive Speech Topics
1. Should we use animals to test beauty products?
2. Strays should be eliminated to make the environment healthy
3. The main cause of animal abuse is the irresponsible and uneducated owner – right or wrong?
4. The use of animals in medical research is a necessary evil.
5. Trading animal-made products is a good way to earn money – right or wrong?
6. Venomous and poisonous-looking spiders are often harmless.
7. We need to protect dolphins better.
8. We should be aware of the pros and cons of a pet before adopting it.
9. We should not be afraid of spiders since most of them are harmless.
10. We should not be kind to snakes.
11. Wearing fur or leather is acceptable, as long as the animals are raised in humane conditions.
12. Wearing fur or leather is always unethical.
13. Why all kids should have pets.
14. Why animals should not be kept in captivity?
15. Why are flies important to the ecosystem?
16. Why busy people should not adopt fish as pets?
17. Why do domestic pigeons and doves make great pets?
18. Why female lions are more dangerous than male lions?
19. Why hamsters are the best pets for kids?
20. Why is it unethical to keep birds in cages?
21. Why pet hair should be brushed each evening?
22. Why poisonous insects should be killed
23. Why polar bears should not be kept in zoos?
24. Why save endangered animals?
25. Why should you own an eagle as a pet?
Persuasive Speech Topics on Animals
1. Why snakes are good pets.
2. Why we should feed wildlife?
3. Why we should know about animals’ thinking and feeling?
4. Why wearing fur or leather is unethical and is it a sign of animal neglect?
5. Why you should avoid eating pork?
6. Why you should get your pet insurance?
7. Why you should not own exotic pets?
8. Why you should own a cat?
9. Why you should own a horse for riding?
10. Why you should own a horse.
11. Why you should own a parrot as a bird pet?
12. Why you should own a raven as a pet?
13. Why you should own pigeons?
14. Why you should prefer goat milk to cow milk?
15. Why you should prefer keeping more goldfishes in an aquarium than other fishes?
16. Why you should stop your kids to ride elephants?
17. Why zoos are important and necessary sources of conservation and research on exotic animals?
18. Wild animals should stay wild.
19. Zoos are good for animals.
20. Zoos should be big enough for wild animals.
Persuasive Speech Topics About Dogs
1. Should a dog be euthanized if it bites someone?
2. Should dogs be outdoor pets?
3. We should adopt a friendly attitude to train our pet dogs quickly.Why a wagging tail should not be considered a sign of happiness in dogs?
4. Why should you own a dog?
5. Does your pet dog help you make new friends?
6. Dogs are better pets than cats – right or wrong?
7. Chaining or tethering dogs outside is unethical, inhumane, and a form of animal neglect.
8. Do dogs have better eyesight than humans – right or wrong?
9. Killing stray dogs and cats is a way to reduce the spread of diseases.
10. Is “dog breeding” ethical to create mixed hybrids?
11. Why you should be thankful for your cat, dog, or other pets?
12. For someone who loves dogs, owning one improves ones emotions and mental being.
13. Their should be tougher regulations to prevent dog abuse
14. Dog training is important
15. Proper nutrition helps to improve the life of a dog and its lifespan
16. On a public beach all dogs should be kept leashes
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Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.