13 Colonies Map with Names: What were the original 13 colonies? Well, the Thirteen Colonies also referred to as the Thirteen British Colonies or United Colonies were located on the Atlantic coast of North America and were British colonies.
To have a real understanding of these colonies, below is a map of 13 colonies.
13 Colonies Map with Names/Original 13 Colonies on Map
This map can also be referred to as the original 13 colonies map.
13 Colonies Map with Names
Prior to the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, these colonies began a revolution that saw the gaining of independence and the formation of the United State of America.
The Original 13 Colonies
For better understanding, the original 13 colonies were separated into three geographic regions consisting of the New England colonies, the Middle colonies, and Southern colonies.
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New England Original colonies
- Massachusetts Bay
- New Hampshire
- Connecticut Colony
- Colony of Rhode Island
The Middle Original Colonies
- Delaware Colony
- New York
- New Jersey
- Pennsylvania
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The Southern Original Colonies
- Virginia
- Maryland
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Georgia
Who founded the 13 colonies and what was their timeline?
In the United States, the British’s first colonies to be settled were the Popham colony and Virginia Colony in 1607. However, in 1608 Popham colony was abandoned. The below-outlined order is based on the dates of establishment, not the dates they were chartered as colonies. Some Colonies like New Hampshire were established early but got the colony charter afterward.
Date of Date Chartered Influential People
Virginia 1607 1624 John Smith, John Rolfe
New Hampshire 1626 1679 John Mason, John Wheelright
Massachusetts Bay, 1629 1691 John Winthrop
Maryland 1632 George Calvert, Baltimore
Connecticut Colony, 1636 1662 Thomas Hooker
Colony of Rhode Island 1636 1663 Roger Williams, Anne Hutchinson
Delaware Colony 1664 Peter Minuit, William Penn
New York 1664 1686 Peter Minuit, Peter Stuyvesant
New Jersey 1664 1702 George Carteret
Pennsylvania 1681 William Penn
North Carolina 1712 1729 Lords Proprietors
South Carolina 1712 1729 Charter of Carolina
Georgia 1732 1752 James Oglethorpe
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Frequently asked questions about 13 Colonies
What are the 13 colonies’ names in order?
Connecticut Colony
Delaware Colony
Massachusetts Bay
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
Rhode Island Colony
South Carolina
What are the 13 colonies in order map?
Massachusetts Bay
New Hampshire
New York
Rhode Island
New Jersey
North Carolina
South Carolina
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Which of the 13 colonies were first?
Virginia, New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay
How many colonies merged to become part of Massachusetts Bay?
2 (Plymouth and Maine)
Who were the monarchs under which the 13 colonies fell?
James I & VI – 1607–1625
George III 1760–1776 (last)
Conclusion: 13 Colonies Map with Names
Even though they were established at different timelines, The Thirteen Colonies eventually came to have a similar political, legal system, and constitution. In addition, they were controlled by Protestant English speakers. As outlined above the first colony was Virginia, and the last was Georgia. Some like Popham were abandoned while others merged with the existing colonies. For instance, Plymouth and Maine colonies became part of Massachusetts.

Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.